Position: Side-By Side facing LOD
Release left hands and pass right hands over lady's head
1Step forward on right making a ¼ turn to the left with the step
Rejoin left, hands in the Reverse Indian Position facing ILOD
2Touch left next to right
Release right hands and pass left hands back over lady's head
3Step to the left on left making a ¼ turn to the left with the step
Rejoin right hands into a left side-by side position. Facing RLOD
4Touch right next to left
5-6Step to the right on right, touch left next to right
Bring right hands to above lady's shoulders
7-8Step back on left making a ¼ turn to the left with the step, touch right next to left
Partners are now in Indian Position facing OLOD
Release left hands and raise right hands
9Step to the right on right and begin a full traveling turn to the right to the right
10Step on left and continue full traveling turn to the right
11-12Step on right and complete full traveling turn to the right, touch left next to right
Release right hands while picking up and raising left hands
13Step to the left on left and begin a 1 ¼ turn to the left traveling to the left
14Step on right and continue full 1 ¼ traveling turn
15-16Step on left and complete full 1 ¼ traveling turn, touch right next to left
Rejoin right hands Right Side-By-Side Position facing LOD
17-18Step forward and diagonally to the right on right, touch left next to right
Release left hands and pass right hands forward over lady's head
19Step back and diagonally to the left on left making a ½ turn to the left with the step
While turning, pick up lady's left hand behind man's back and pass it back over her head while releasing right hands
20Touch right next to left
21Step forward and diagonally to the left on right making a ¼ turn to the left with the step
Bring hands up to lady's shoulders. Partners now face OLOD
22Touch left next to right
23-24Step back and diagonally to the left on left making a ¼ turn to the left with the step, touch right next to left
Partners now face LOD in the Right Side By Side Position
Release left hands and raise right hands
25-27Turn full turn to the right on right left right traveling to the right, weave going away from center of dance floor
28-30Cross left over right, step to the right on right, cross left behind right
31-32Step to the right on right, touch left next to right
Rejoin left hands returning to Right Side By Side facing lod
33-34Step to the left on left, touch right next to left
35-36Step to the right on right, touch left next to right
Release right hands and raise left hands
37-39Turn full turn to the left on left right left traveling to the left
Weave going towards center of dance floor
40-42Cross right over left, step to the left on left, cross right behind left
43-44Step to the left on left, touch right next to left
Rejoin right hands returning to left side by side facing LOD
45-46Step to the right on right, touch left next to right
47-48Step to the left on left, touch right next to left
A standard 8-count weave may be substituted for the rolling turns and 4-count weaves
Release left hands and pass right hands over lady's head
1Step forward on right making a ¼ turn to the left with the step
Rejoin left, hands in the Reverse Indian Position facing ILOD
2Touch left next to right
Release right hands and pass left hands back over lady's head
3Step to the left on left making a ¼ turn to the left with the step
Rejoin right hands into a left side-by side position. Facing RLOD
4Touch right next to left
5-6Step to the right on right, touch left next to right
Bring right hands to above lady's shoulders
7-8Step back on left making a ¼ turn to the left with the step, touch right next to left
Partners are now in Indian Position facing OLOD
Release left hands and raise right hands
9Step to the right on right and begin a full traveling turn to the right to the right
10Step on left and continue full traveling turn to the right
11-12Step on right and complete full traveling turn to the right, touch left next to right
Release right hands while picking up and raising left hands
13Step to the left on left and begin a 1 ¼ turn to the left traveling to the left
14Step on right and continue full 1 ¼ traveling turn
15-16Step on left and complete full 1 ¼ traveling turn, touch right next to left
Rejoin right hands Right Side-By-Side Position facing LOD
17-18Step forward and diagonally to the right on right, touch left next to right
Release left hands and pass right hands forward over lady's head
19Step back and diagonally to the left on left making a ½ turn to the left with the step
While turning, pick up lady's left hand behind man's back and pass it back over her head while releasing right hands
20Touch right next to left
21Step forward and diagonally to the left on right making a ¼ turn to the left with the step
Bring hands up to lady's shoulders. Partners now face OLOD
22Touch left next to right
23-24Step back and diagonally to the left on left making a ¼ turn to the left with the step, touch right next to left
Partners now face LOD in the Right Side By Side Position
Release left hands and raise right hands
25-27Turn full turn to the right on right left right traveling to the right, weave going away from center of dance floor
28-30Cross left over right, step to the right on right, cross left behind right
31-32Step to the right on right, touch left next to right
Rejoin left hands returning to Right Side By Side facing lod
33-34Step to the left on left, touch right next to left
35-36Step to the right on right, touch left next to right
Release right hands and raise left hands
37-39Turn full turn to the left on left right left traveling to the left
Weave going towards center of dance floor
40-42Cross right over left, step to the left on left, cross right behind left
43-44Step to the left on left, touch right next to left
Rejoin right hands returning to left side by side facing LOD
45-46Step to the right on right, touch left next to right
47-48Step to the left on left, touch right next to left
A standard 8-count weave may be substituted for the rolling turns and 4-count weaves