1-42 pigeon toes
5-82 left heel digs
9-122 right heel digs
13-16Step forward left diagonal, close right, repeat
17-20Step forward right diagonal, close left, repeat
21-22Step back left diagonal, touch right together with clap
23-24Step back right diagonal, touch left together with clap
25-28Repeat counts 21-24
29-32Turn ¼-turn to left by taking small steps left-right-left stomp right
33-36Turn ½-turn to right by taking small steps right-left-right stomp left
37-40Turn ½-turn to left by taking small steps left-right-left stomp right
41-44Turn ½-turn to right by taking small steps right-left-right stomp left
45-52:Step left with ½-turn left, scuff right; step right with ½-turn right, scuff left: step left with ½-turn left, scuff right; Step right with ¼-turn right, bring left together with clap.
5-82 left heel digs
9-122 right heel digs
13-16Step forward left diagonal, close right, repeat
17-20Step forward right diagonal, close left, repeat
21-22Step back left diagonal, touch right together with clap
23-24Step back right diagonal, touch left together with clap
25-28Repeat counts 21-24
29-32Turn ¼-turn to left by taking small steps left-right-left stomp right
33-36Turn ½-turn to right by taking small steps right-left-right stomp left
37-40Turn ½-turn to left by taking small steps left-right-left stomp right
41-44Turn ½-turn to right by taking small steps right-left-right stomp left
45-52:Step left with ½-turn left, scuff right; step right with ½-turn right, scuff left: step left with ½-turn left, scuff right; Step right with ¼-turn right, bring left together with clap.