1-8Stomp right next to left, kick right forward, rock back on right, rock forward onto left, stomp right next to left 2 times, step forward onto right & hold
1-8Stomp left next to right, kick left forward, rock back on left, rock forward onto right, stomp left next to right 2 times, step forward on to left & hold
1-8Step forward onto right turn ½ turn left (pivot on left foot in place) step right forward & hold & clap, step forward onto left turn ½ turn right (pivot on right foot in place), step left forward & hold & clap
1-8Rock right onto right, rock to left onto left, rock to right onto right, kick left out to left side, hold & clap, step left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side (sailor step stepping it through), & hold & clap
1-8Run forward right-left-right, hitch left turning ½ to left pivoting on the right foot, run forward on left-right-left & hold
1-8Stomp left next to right, kick left forward, rock back on left, rock forward onto right, stomp left next to right 2 times, step forward on to left & hold
1-8Step forward onto right turn ½ turn left (pivot on left foot in place) step right forward & hold & clap, step forward onto left turn ½ turn right (pivot on right foot in place), step left forward & hold & clap
1-8Rock right onto right, rock to left onto left, rock to right onto right, kick left out to left side, hold & clap, step left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side (sailor step stepping it through), & hold & clap
1-8Run forward right-left-right, hitch left turning ½ to left pivoting on the right foot, run forward on left-right-left & hold