Start 24 counts into the song when the bass kicks in.
1st Place Winner - Choreography Competition, Can-Am 2003, Phrased Country
1-2Step left out to left side rocking weight out over left, recover weight back onto right
Prep for turn by rotating 1/8 to left and pulling left shoulder back as you recover weight onto right
3&4Complete a ½ turn left on the ball of your right foot (to face rear wall, 6:00) as you step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left turning ¼ left (3:00)
5-6Step forward on right, hitch left knee as you turn ¼ left (12:00)
Weight remains on right
7&8Shuffle to left- step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side prepping on last step by turning 1/8 to left
Ending facing slightly to the left diagonal
&1Stepping diagonally back on right, touch left heel diagonally forward to left
2Step ¼ turn left on left (9:00)
3Turn ½ left (facing 3:00) as you step back on right
4Step back on left turning ¼ left (12:00)
It helps step 5 to over-rotate here and face slightly left
5Step right in front of left
6&7Rock left to left side, recover weight onto right, step left in front of right
Place full weight onto left. This is fast. You may consider this as a ball-ball-cross. Do not take the time to let your left heel touch the floor before you push off the ball of that left foot, momentarily taking weight on the ball of your right foot as you cross your left in front of your right
8Kick your right out low to right side
&1Step right in place next to left foot, touch left toe out to left side while bending slightly at right knee
You should be bending diagonally forward over your right foot and your shoulders should be slightly rotated to the right with your left shoulder forward
&3Step left in place next to right foot, touch right toe out to right side while bending slightly at left knee
You should be bending diagonally forward over your left foot and your shoulders should be slightly rotated to the left with your right shoulder forward
&5Hop off your left foot, land your right foot where your left foot was
Swing your straightened left leg out to your left side (keep it low) and at the same time, keeping your right leg straight, swing your right leg directly underneath you to land on your right foot exactly where your left foot was. Try to keep legs straight and equally apart (image your shoelaces tied together)
&6Repeat above to the right
&7Repeat above to the left
8Step left in front of right
1-2Scuff right foot forward as you raise up on ball of left foot, sweep your right leg to the left making an extra-large "lunging" step, crossing over your left foot, dropping body down to land on right with bent knee on count 2
You should be relatively low to the floor. This will require you to let your body fall and stop when your left knee tucks in behind your right calf and for styling, just as you are landing, roll off the sole of your left foot onto the left side of the left foot. Tilt head downward to look as low as possible.
3-4Clap twice
Head remains bent forward
5Begin to rise slightly turning face slightly upward and raising right shoulder as you place weight onto your left foot
Do this by rolling off the side of your left foot back onto the sole, at the same time rolling off the sole of your right foot onto right side of the foot dragging that foot a little closer to the left. Your legs remain crossed but your feet are now closer together
6Continue to rise raising left shoulder as you switch weight back onto your right foot
Do this by rolling off the side of your foot back onto the sole, at the same time rolling off the sole of your left foot onto side of the foot dragging that foot a little closer to the right.
7Continue to rise raising right shoulder as you switch weight back onto your left foot
Dragging the right foot a little closer to the left.
8Rise completely raising left shoulder as you switch weight back onto your right foot
Dragging the left foot a little closer to the right. At this point you should be standing fully erect with the toe of your left foot almost directly behind your right heel
1-2Step left out to left side, step right in place
Prep for crossing shuffle by turning slightly to right
3&4Shuffle to right by stepping left in front of right, step right to right side, step left in front of right
5Step right to right side
Prep for turn by rotating 1/8 to left and pulling left shoulder back
6Step back on left turning ½ left (6:00)
It helps the following crossing shuffle to over-rotate here and face slightly left
7&8Shuffle to left by stepping right in front of left, step left to left side, and step right in front of left
1Step left to left side
2Touch right toe next to left as you place fists on hips with elbows out
3&4Shuffle to right (right, left, right)
A considerably advanced move here would be to do a rolling turn to the right. Do this by stepping right ¼ right (9:00), turn ½ right stepping on left (2:00), turn ¼ to right stepping right to right side (6:00)
5Step left in front of right
6Step right to right side (prep for left turn by rotating 1/8 to left)
7&8Complete a ½ turn left as you shuffle to the left (left, right, left) (12:00)
1Cross right leg diagonally in front of left to face diagonally to left
Dig heel into floor with toes pointing upward and stand upright on right heel as you hitch left leg slightly balancing all weight on right heel
2Step back in place on left
3Step right to right side, squaring off to front wall
4Prep for a full turn unwind by placing ball of left foot to the right side of the right foot
5-6Unwind a full turn over 2 counts (12:00)
End with weight on left and right foot crossed in front of left ankle
7&8Kick right forward, step right to right side, touch left toe next to right with turned out leg
Styling note: left knee should point to side wall (9:00), place left fist on hip with elbow out and right arm arched upward (elbow pointing out) with right fist above head, palm down
1Step forward on left
2Slide right forward on left side of left foot popping left knee forward
Lock in place with right shin behind left heel, left toe touching floor. Weight is fully on right (you look like Mr. Peanut, from Planter's Nuts)
3&4Kick left foot forward, step left in place next to right, point right toe directly back with straight leg and body leaning forward from waist
5-6-7Unwind a full turn over 3 count
Use your right toe as an anchor. Pull yourself around to the right to face the back wall. Continue spinning on the ball of your left foot by hitching your right knee. On count 7 you are posed, facing the front wall with right foot hooked in front of left shin weight on the ball of your left foot. Styling note: snap fingers out at sides
8Fall onto right foot by bending on left knee and dropping right foot to left side of left foot (crossed position) placing weight on right, right leg bending at the knee.
This is count 64 of the dance, end here if dancing to music other than "Lil' Jack Slade!"
9-10The extra counts: clap and stamp left heel with left knee turned out to side wall (9:00) twice, weight remains on right
Again, these last two counts (making the dance a total of 66) are extra counts which are only required for "Lil' Jack Slade," they would be omitted with other music.
In this section of the music the emphasis is on the beats of 1, 3, 5, 7 and 1 again, following the heavy strum of the bass guitar
1-2Touch toe left diagonally back to left side, then step down on left
3Cross right over left
4Turn ½ to left (6:00) step left in place over right
5Kick right forward low. For styling left leg should be bent
6-7Touch toe right diagonally back to right side, then step down on right
8Turn ½ to left (12:00) step left in place
1Kick right forward low. For styling left leg should be bent
2-3Touch toe right diagonally back to right side, then step down on right
4Turn ½ to left (6:00) step left in place
5Scuff right forward. For styling left leg should be bent
6Cross right over left
7Step back on left, prep by turning 1/8 to right
8Turn ½ to right (12:00) stepping right in place
1-2Step forward on left, hold
3-4Turn ¼ to right (3:00) and step forward on right, hold
5Punch left arm towards side wall (3:00) at shoulder height
6As you pull your arm back, turn to your left squaring off to front wall, shifting your weight back onto your left foot, begin raising right arm as if pitching
7Turn ¼ to left (9:00), swinging right arm over head toward 9:00
8Begin crouching down as if to kneel upon right knee, swinging right arm downward as if hammering
1Drop all the way down
At the same time, kneel upon right knee time and drive right arm straight down to slap palm flat to floor, with your head hung down. At this point you are considerably bent over, supporting yourself with your left hand upon your left leg. Styling note: while on your right knee with your palm flat to the floor, your right thigh, right arm from the shoulder and left shin are perpendicular to the floor and your left thigh, your back and right shin are horizontal! (for low impact, do not go down on knee, simply crouch with head tilted downward and punch right arm down towards floor with palm facing down.)
2While still on your right knee, use 2 counts to turn ½ turn to the right, spinning on kneecap
As you turn begin to drop your left knee towards your right knee, at the same time your right foot (sliding upon the floor) should swing behind you in an arc. Begin to straighten your back. (for low impact, counts 2-3-4: remaining in a crouched position, take 3 counts to slowly swivel on the balls of both feet ½ turn to right, straightening your back as you turn but remaining crouched until you are facing side wall (3:00) on count 4. Weight will be forward on right.)
3Drop left knee all the way to the floor as you complete the turn
At this point you are kneeling on both knees, feet together, shins flat to floor, standing straight up (on your knees) facing side wall (3:00)
4Swing right knee up and step right foot forward
Right thigh is horizontal, shin is vertical and foot is flat on the floor
5Twist upper body to left by pulling left shoulder back and swinging right arm to left in front of body
Wind up like a spring. Weight will be on your left knee. Your left arm and leg are back; your right elbow and knee are forward. (You will look somewhat like the FTD florist logo) (when dancing this low impact the movement is the same except you are still in a crouched position on your feet. Twist upper body to left by pulling left shoulder back and swinging right arm to left in front of upper body. As you twist, your weight drops back onto left. Your left arm and leg are back; your right elbow and right leg is forward.)
6-7-8Take 3 counts to rise and spin ¾ right on right to face front wall
On count 6, twist upper body to right, begin rising on right. On 7, as you rise, continue to turn right, hitching left leg to spin right on the ball of right foot. On 8, continue to rise to a standing position as you spin on the ball of your right foot to complete a ¾ turn to face the front wall (12:00). (for low impact, twist upper body to right placing weight on right. As you begin to turn, hitch left knee to spin ¾ right on the ball of right foot to face front wall.) Note: on count 8 you are on the front wall standing with weight on right and left knee still hitched. It is good here to slightly over rotate and be facing slightly to the right
End of Tag. Continue with Part B/
After 24 counts (on count 25) the dance starts with Part B first! You will then do 2 full walls AB, AB. On the third wall, after dancing the Part A for the third time, right after the ankle rocks (at about 1 minute 30 seconds into the music,) there is the Tag which falls right between parts A & B. The Tag only comes once, at the end of the Tag you continue with Part B. You will do Part A once more, for the fourth time. After the ankle rocks there are two extra beats and a Restart, so clap and stamp twice (like counts 9 & 10) and restart Part A. The dance ends nine counts later on count one of the second eight count, right on the jack, so hold that pose! Good luck!
After 24 counts start: B, AB, AB, A TAG B, A & TWO CLAPS, A
1st Place Winner - Choreography Competition, Can-Am 2003, Phrased Country
1-2Step left out to left side rocking weight out over left, recover weight back onto right
Prep for turn by rotating 1/8 to left and pulling left shoulder back as you recover weight onto right
3&4Complete a ½ turn left on the ball of your right foot (to face rear wall, 6:00) as you step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left turning ¼ left (3:00)
5-6Step forward on right, hitch left knee as you turn ¼ left (12:00)
Weight remains on right
7&8Shuffle to left- step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side prepping on last step by turning 1/8 to left
Ending facing slightly to the left diagonal
&1Stepping diagonally back on right, touch left heel diagonally forward to left
2Step ¼ turn left on left (9:00)
3Turn ½ left (facing 3:00) as you step back on right
4Step back on left turning ¼ left (12:00)
It helps step 5 to over-rotate here and face slightly left
5Step right in front of left
6&7Rock left to left side, recover weight onto right, step left in front of right
Place full weight onto left. This is fast. You may consider this as a ball-ball-cross. Do not take the time to let your left heel touch the floor before you push off the ball of that left foot, momentarily taking weight on the ball of your right foot as you cross your left in front of your right
8Kick your right out low to right side
&1Step right in place next to left foot, touch left toe out to left side while bending slightly at right knee
You should be bending diagonally forward over your right foot and your shoulders should be slightly rotated to the right with your left shoulder forward
&3Step left in place next to right foot, touch right toe out to right side while bending slightly at left knee
You should be bending diagonally forward over your left foot and your shoulders should be slightly rotated to the left with your right shoulder forward
&5Hop off your left foot, land your right foot where your left foot was
Swing your straightened left leg out to your left side (keep it low) and at the same time, keeping your right leg straight, swing your right leg directly underneath you to land on your right foot exactly where your left foot was. Try to keep legs straight and equally apart (image your shoelaces tied together)
&6Repeat above to the right
&7Repeat above to the left
8Step left in front of right
1-2Scuff right foot forward as you raise up on ball of left foot, sweep your right leg to the left making an extra-large "lunging" step, crossing over your left foot, dropping body down to land on right with bent knee on count 2
You should be relatively low to the floor. This will require you to let your body fall and stop when your left knee tucks in behind your right calf and for styling, just as you are landing, roll off the sole of your left foot onto the left side of the left foot. Tilt head downward to look as low as possible.
3-4Clap twice
Head remains bent forward
5Begin to rise slightly turning face slightly upward and raising right shoulder as you place weight onto your left foot
Do this by rolling off the side of your left foot back onto the sole, at the same time rolling off the sole of your right foot onto right side of the foot dragging that foot a little closer to the left. Your legs remain crossed but your feet are now closer together
6Continue to rise raising left shoulder as you switch weight back onto your right foot
Do this by rolling off the side of your foot back onto the sole, at the same time rolling off the sole of your left foot onto side of the foot dragging that foot a little closer to the right.
7Continue to rise raising right shoulder as you switch weight back onto your left foot
Dragging the right foot a little closer to the left.
8Rise completely raising left shoulder as you switch weight back onto your right foot
Dragging the left foot a little closer to the right. At this point you should be standing fully erect with the toe of your left foot almost directly behind your right heel
1-2Step left out to left side, step right in place
Prep for crossing shuffle by turning slightly to right
3&4Shuffle to right by stepping left in front of right, step right to right side, step left in front of right
5Step right to right side
Prep for turn by rotating 1/8 to left and pulling left shoulder back
6Step back on left turning ½ left (6:00)
It helps the following crossing shuffle to over-rotate here and face slightly left
7&8Shuffle to left by stepping right in front of left, step left to left side, and step right in front of left
1Step left to left side
2Touch right toe next to left as you place fists on hips with elbows out
3&4Shuffle to right (right, left, right)
A considerably advanced move here would be to do a rolling turn to the right. Do this by stepping right ¼ right (9:00), turn ½ right stepping on left (2:00), turn ¼ to right stepping right to right side (6:00)
5Step left in front of right
6Step right to right side (prep for left turn by rotating 1/8 to left)
7&8Complete a ½ turn left as you shuffle to the left (left, right, left) (12:00)
1Cross right leg diagonally in front of left to face diagonally to left
Dig heel into floor with toes pointing upward and stand upright on right heel as you hitch left leg slightly balancing all weight on right heel
2Step back in place on left
3Step right to right side, squaring off to front wall
4Prep for a full turn unwind by placing ball of left foot to the right side of the right foot
5-6Unwind a full turn over 2 counts (12:00)
End with weight on left and right foot crossed in front of left ankle
7&8Kick right forward, step right to right side, touch left toe next to right with turned out leg
Styling note: left knee should point to side wall (9:00), place left fist on hip with elbow out and right arm arched upward (elbow pointing out) with right fist above head, palm down
1Step forward on left
2Slide right forward on left side of left foot popping left knee forward
Lock in place with right shin behind left heel, left toe touching floor. Weight is fully on right (you look like Mr. Peanut, from Planter's Nuts)
3&4Kick left foot forward, step left in place next to right, point right toe directly back with straight leg and body leaning forward from waist
5-6-7Unwind a full turn over 3 count
Use your right toe as an anchor. Pull yourself around to the right to face the back wall. Continue spinning on the ball of your left foot by hitching your right knee. On count 7 you are posed, facing the front wall with right foot hooked in front of left shin weight on the ball of your left foot. Styling note: snap fingers out at sides
8Fall onto right foot by bending on left knee and dropping right foot to left side of left foot (crossed position) placing weight on right, right leg bending at the knee.
This is count 64 of the dance, end here if dancing to music other than "Lil' Jack Slade!"
9-10The extra counts: clap and stamp left heel with left knee turned out to side wall (9:00) twice, weight remains on right
Again, these last two counts (making the dance a total of 66) are extra counts which are only required for "Lil' Jack Slade," they would be omitted with other music.
In this section of the music the emphasis is on the beats of 1, 3, 5, 7 and 1 again, following the heavy strum of the bass guitar
1-2Touch toe left diagonally back to left side, then step down on left
3Cross right over left
4Turn ½ to left (6:00) step left in place over right
5Kick right forward low. For styling left leg should be bent
6-7Touch toe right diagonally back to right side, then step down on right
8Turn ½ to left (12:00) step left in place
1Kick right forward low. For styling left leg should be bent
2-3Touch toe right diagonally back to right side, then step down on right
4Turn ½ to left (6:00) step left in place
5Scuff right forward. For styling left leg should be bent
6Cross right over left
7Step back on left, prep by turning 1/8 to right
8Turn ½ to right (12:00) stepping right in place
1-2Step forward on left, hold
3-4Turn ¼ to right (3:00) and step forward on right, hold
5Punch left arm towards side wall (3:00) at shoulder height
6As you pull your arm back, turn to your left squaring off to front wall, shifting your weight back onto your left foot, begin raising right arm as if pitching
7Turn ¼ to left (9:00), swinging right arm over head toward 9:00
8Begin crouching down as if to kneel upon right knee, swinging right arm downward as if hammering
1Drop all the way down
At the same time, kneel upon right knee time and drive right arm straight down to slap palm flat to floor, with your head hung down. At this point you are considerably bent over, supporting yourself with your left hand upon your left leg. Styling note: while on your right knee with your palm flat to the floor, your right thigh, right arm from the shoulder and left shin are perpendicular to the floor and your left thigh, your back and right shin are horizontal! (for low impact, do not go down on knee, simply crouch with head tilted downward and punch right arm down towards floor with palm facing down.)
2While still on your right knee, use 2 counts to turn ½ turn to the right, spinning on kneecap
As you turn begin to drop your left knee towards your right knee, at the same time your right foot (sliding upon the floor) should swing behind you in an arc. Begin to straighten your back. (for low impact, counts 2-3-4: remaining in a crouched position, take 3 counts to slowly swivel on the balls of both feet ½ turn to right, straightening your back as you turn but remaining crouched until you are facing side wall (3:00) on count 4. Weight will be forward on right.)
3Drop left knee all the way to the floor as you complete the turn
At this point you are kneeling on both knees, feet together, shins flat to floor, standing straight up (on your knees) facing side wall (3:00)
4Swing right knee up and step right foot forward
Right thigh is horizontal, shin is vertical and foot is flat on the floor
5Twist upper body to left by pulling left shoulder back and swinging right arm to left in front of body
Wind up like a spring. Weight will be on your left knee. Your left arm and leg are back; your right elbow and knee are forward. (You will look somewhat like the FTD florist logo) (when dancing this low impact the movement is the same except you are still in a crouched position on your feet. Twist upper body to left by pulling left shoulder back and swinging right arm to left in front of upper body. As you twist, your weight drops back onto left. Your left arm and leg are back; your right elbow and right leg is forward.)
6-7-8Take 3 counts to rise and spin ¾ right on right to face front wall
On count 6, twist upper body to right, begin rising on right. On 7, as you rise, continue to turn right, hitching left leg to spin right on the ball of right foot. On 8, continue to rise to a standing position as you spin on the ball of your right foot to complete a ¾ turn to face the front wall (12:00). (for low impact, twist upper body to right placing weight on right. As you begin to turn, hitch left knee to spin ¾ right on the ball of right foot to face front wall.) Note: on count 8 you are on the front wall standing with weight on right and left knee still hitched. It is good here to slightly over rotate and be facing slightly to the right
End of Tag. Continue with Part B/
After 24 counts (on count 25) the dance starts with Part B first! You will then do 2 full walls AB, AB. On the third wall, after dancing the Part A for the third time, right after the ankle rocks (at about 1 minute 30 seconds into the music,) there is the Tag which falls right between parts A & B. The Tag only comes once, at the end of the Tag you continue with Part B. You will do Part A once more, for the fourth time. After the ankle rocks there are two extra beats and a Restart, so clap and stamp twice (like counts 9 & 10) and restart Part A. The dance ends nine counts later on count one of the second eight count, right on the jack, so hold that pose! Good luck!
After 24 counts start: B, AB, AB, A TAG B, A & TWO CLAPS, A