1-2-3-4Step right back, drag left heel in, step/rock left back, replace weight onto right
5-6-7-8Turn full turn right, moving forward (step left-right) step left forward, pivot ½ turn right (weight to right)
1-2&Left Dorothy (step left to left diagonal, step/lock right behind left, step left beside right)
3-4&Right Dorothy (step right to right diagonal, step/lock left behind right, step right beside left)
5-6Kick left across right twice,
&7-8Step left to left side, kick right across left twice
1-2Step right to right side, drag left towards right
3-4Step/rock left across behind right, replace weight onto right
5-6-7-8Step left to left side and turn both toes in, moving left twist toes out, in, out
1-2&Step/rock right across in front of left, replace weight onto left, step right beside left
3-4&Step/rock left across in front of right, replace weight onto right, step left beside right
5-6Step right across in front of left, turn ¼ turn left
7-8Twist heels left, turn ½ turn left (weight to left)
5-6-7-8Turn full turn right, moving forward (step left-right) step left forward, pivot ½ turn right (weight to right)
1-2&Left Dorothy (step left to left diagonal, step/lock right behind left, step left beside right)
3-4&Right Dorothy (step right to right diagonal, step/lock left behind right, step right beside left)
5-6Kick left across right twice,
&7-8Step left to left side, kick right across left twice
1-2Step right to right side, drag left towards right
3-4Step/rock left across behind right, replace weight onto right
5-6-7-8Step left to left side and turn both toes in, moving left twist toes out, in, out
1-2&Step/rock right across in front of left, replace weight onto left, step right beside left
3-4&Step/rock left across in front of right, replace weight onto right, step left beside right
5-6Step right across in front of left, turn ¼ turn left
7-8Twist heels left, turn ½ turn left (weight to left)