1-12Basic Forward And Back (#1A)
13-18Promenade Walk (#2A)
19-24Left Rock Turn (#4A)
25-32Left Rock Turn with an extra side-together counted quick, quick (#4A)
1-8Forward Twinkle with closed ending (#5)
9-16First half of Turning Box (#3)
17-32Repeat 1-16
Additional information is found in the LineDanceSport Level 1 Syllabus. This step sheet is provided as a "Cue" only and is not designed to provide every detail of technique required for the dance. For a precise breakdown and step description, visit and ask about the complete Level 1 syllabus available through The Line Dance Institute. The syllabus was created by Max Perry and various other choreographers
1-12Basic Forward And Back (#1A)
13-18Promenade Walk (#2A)
19-24Left Rock Turn (#4A)
25-32Left Rock Turn with an extra side-together counted quick, quick (#4A)
1-8Forward Twinkle with closed ending (#5)
9-16First half of Turning Box (#3)
17-32Repeat 1-16
Additional information is found in the LineDanceSport Level 1 Syllabus. This step sheet is provided as a "Cue" only and is not designed to provide every detail of technique required for the dance. For a precise breakdown and step description, visit and ask about the complete Level 1 syllabus available through The Line Dance Institute. The syllabus was created by Max Perry and various other choreographers