CopperKnob Stepsheets

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French Language German Language Chinese Simplified Language Chinese Traditional Language English Language

Gardena Gallop

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Carol R. Miller (USA)
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1-2Touch right to side, step right in front of left.
3-4Touch left to side, step left in front of right.
5-8Repeat steps 1-4.
9-10Cross right over left, step left back.
11-12Step right to side, step left next to right.
13-16Repeat steps 9-12.
17-18Point right toe back 45 degrees, step right next to left.
19-20Point left heel forward 45 degrees, bring left next to right.
21-24Repeat steps 17-20.
25-28Right kick ball change twice.
29-32Kick right forward, cross right over left, turn ½ to left, heels down.
33-48Repeat steps 17-32.
49-52Step right to side, step left behind right, repeat.
53-56Step right to side, stomp left next to right, kick left forward twice.
57-60Step left to side, step right behind left, repeat.
61-64Step left to side, stomp right next to left, kick right forward twice.
65-68Step back right, touch left toe back, step forward left, turn ½ to left (still keeping right in air).
69-72Repeat steps 65-68.
73-80Shuffle back right-left-right, left-right-left, right-left-right, left-right-left.
81-82Touch right heel forward, hook right heel in front of left.
83-84Touch right heel forward, step right next to left.
85-86Touch left heel forward, hook left heel in front of right.
87-88Touch left heel forward, step back left.
89-90Step forward left, kick right forward & clap.
91-92Step back right, touch left toe back.
93-96Repeat steps 89-92.
97-100Step forward left, drag right knee behind left, repeat.
101-102Step forward left, kick right forward.
103-104Cross right over left, turn ½ to left on balls of feet.
105-108Twist heels to right, center, left, center.


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