CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Groove It!

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Rob Fowler (ES)
Groove It - Ronnie Beard
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1Jump with both feet apart
2Slide right foot up to front
&Step back on right with body angled 45 degrees right
3Touch left heel forward
&Step down onto left
4Stomp right foot next to left
5-8Repeat 1-4 sliding left to right (i.e. opposite)
9Touch right heel forward
10Switch touch left heel forward
11Switch touch right heel forward
12Clap hands twice
13Put both hands forward moving weight forward onto right foot (imagine grabbing back of a chair)
&Step left behind right
14Step forward right
15&16Repeat 13&14
17Cross right in front of left
&Step back left
18Step right next to left
19Cross left in front of right
&Step back right
20Step left next to right
21Rock forward right
&Rock back onto left
22Step back right
&Rock forward onto left
23Touch right next to left
&Step back on right
24Step back shoulder width apart left
25-28Starting moving to left bending knees move to right straightening knees (you have now made a full circle)
29Make ¼ turn left pivoting on left touch right to side
30Repeat 29
31Repeat 29
32Repeat 29
33Kick right foot forward
&Right together
34Touch left to left side
35&36Repeat 33&34 on opposite feet
37Rock forward right
&Rock back left
38Step back right
&Rock forward left
39Right feet together
&Swivel heels right
40Swivel heels to center
41-48Repeat beats 33-40 on opposite feet
49Moving left heel to right and right toe to right. Arms cross right over left, right hand touch left shoulder, left hand touch right shoulder
50Keep left heel where it is, move left toe right, leave right toe move right heel right. Slide hands across chest so right hand touches right shoulder and left hand touches left shoulder.
51Moving left heel to right and right toe to right, click both hands down by side.
&Keep left heel where it is move left toe right.. Cross hands right over left in front click fingers
52Moving left heel to right and right toe to right. With both hands out to side click fingers
53Moving left toe left and right heel left. Arms cross left over right, left hand touch right shoulder and right hand touch left shoulder
54Moving right toe left and left heel left. Slide hands across chest so left hand touches left shoulder and right hand touches right shoulder
55Moving left toe left and right heel left. Click both hands down by side
&Moving right toe left and left heel left. Cross hands left over right in front, click fingers
56Moving left toe left and right heel left. With both hands out to the side, click fingers
57Touch right heel forward
58Switch weight, touch left heel forward
&Step weight onto left
59Touch right toe next to left
60Turn head ¼ turn to the right
61Touch right toe to right side
62Make ¼ turn right
63&64Right coaster step


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