CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 158053
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The Hard Way

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Geoff Evans (UK)
The Hard Way - Faith Hill
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1&2&3&4Right heel, forward left heel forward, right heel forward double stamp right heel stomps half time so count as one step
5-8Chasse right stepping right close left, step ¼ step to right, step forward onto left & ½ pivot to the right so that weight ends on right
9-12Lock steps forward: left lock right behind left scuff right forward step forward on right foot lock left behind, step forward right scuff left forward
13-16Skip backwards: left, right, left, crossing each step behind, & stomp right foot next to left
17-20Right, left, right, & rolling grapevine to the right, stepping stomp left foot, & double clap
21-24Rolling grapevine left stepping, left, right, left, & stomp right next to left, & double clap
25-30Shuffle forward stepping, right, left, right, left, right, left completing ¼ turn to right
31-36Shuffle backwards stepping right, left, right, left, right, left completing ¼ turn to right
37-41Step forward onto right, rock back onto left, step forward onto right, close with left, step forward onto right as you do this move you should roll your hips
42-46Step forward onto left rock back onto right, step forward onto left close with right, step forward onto right, again roll hips
47-50Grapevine right scuff stepping right, left, right, & scuff left foot
51-54Rolling grapevine left & clap stepping left, right, left
55-58Shuffle forward stepping right, left, right,
59-62Shuffle forward stepping left, right, left,
63-66Touch right toe forward, right toe back, turn half turn to right keeping weight on the left foot, & hook right across left shin
67-70Shuffle forward stepping right, left, right
71-74Shuffle forward stepping left, right, left
75-78Walk back stepping right, left, right, together


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