1-2Tap right heel slowly forward & to the right twice hillbilly style
3&4Shuffle right, left, right, on the spot
5-6Tap left heel slowly forward & to the left twice hillbilly style
7&8Shuffle left, right, left, on the spot
9&10Shuffle forward right, left, right
11&12Shuffle forward left, right, left
13&14Forward coaster step right, left, right
15-18Sweep foot outwards and behind moving backwards left, right, left, right
19&20Backward coaster step left, right, left
21-24Weave slowly right, left behind, right, left in front
25-26Step right ¼ turning left weight on to left
27-28Cross rock forward right across left recover left
29&30Side rock shuffle right, left, right, on the spot
31-32Cross rock forward left across right recover right
33&34Side rock shuffle left, right, left, on the spot
1-2Tap right heel slowly forward & to the right twice hillbilly style
3&4Shuffle right, left, right, on the spot
5-6Tap left heel slowly forward & to the left twice hillbilly style
7&8Shuffle left, right, left, on the spot
9&10Shuffle forward right, left, right
11&12Shuffle forward left, right, left
13&14Forward coaster step right, left, right
15-18Sweep foot outwards and behind moving backwards left, right, left, right
19&20Backward coaster step left, right, left
21-24Weave slowly right, left behind, right, left in front
25-26Step right ¼ turning left weight on to left
27-28Cross rock forward right across left recover left
29&30Side rock shuffle right, left, right, on the spot
31-32Cross rock forward left across right recover right
33&34Side rock shuffle left, right, left, on the spot