1-2-3-4Stomp, hold: stomp left forward at 45 degrees left with right hand to side & left hand forward, palms facing down, hold for 3 beats
5-6&7-8&Dorothy steps: step right forward to 45, lock left behind right & step right forward to 45, step left forward to 45, lock right behind left & step left to 45
1-2-3-4Step, pivot, rock forward, back: step right forward, pivot turn ½ turn taking weight forward on left, step right to 45 rocking hips forward to right, rock hips back to left taking weight on left
5&6Right coaster step: step back on right, step left back together with right, step right forward
7&8Cross shuffle: step left over right, step right to side, step left over right
1&2Side shuffle: step right to side, step left together with right, step right to side
3&4Left samba: step left across in front of right, step right to side, replace weight to left
5&6Cross shuffle: step right over left, step left to side, step right over left
7&8Side shuffle: step left to side, step right together with left, step left to side
1&2Right samba step: step right over left, step left to side, replace weight to right
3-4Left step point: step left forward in line with right, point right to side (traveling forward)
5-6Right step point: step right forward in line with left, point left to side (traveling forward)
7-8Left step point: step left forward in line with right, point right to side (traveling forward)
1-2½ Monterey turn: turn ½ turn stepping right together with left, point left to side
3&4Left cross side heel: step left over right, step right to side, touch left heel forward at 45 degrees
&5&6And right cross side heel: step left to center, step right over left, step left to side, touch right heel forward at 45 degrees
&7-8And step stomp: step right to center, step left forward, stomp right together with left (keeping weight on left)
1-2-3-4Rolling vine right: make ¼ turn right stepping right forward, make ½ turn right stepping left back, make ¼ turn right stepping right to side, step left over right
5-6&7-8¼ turn right, left coaster step, touch: make ¼ turn left stepping right back, step back on left, step right back together with left step left forward, touch right beside left
&1-2&3-4Ball step touch, ball step scuff: step right back, step left forward, touch right beside left, step right back, step left forward, scuff right forward
5-6-7-8Rock, replace, ½ turn, step: rock forward on right, replace weight back on left, make ½ turn back over right shoulder stepping right forward, step left to side
1&2-3&4Right sailor step, left sailor step: step right behind left, step left to side, step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side, step left to side
5-6&7&8Rock, replace, ½ turn shuffle: rock right forward, replace weight back to left, make ½ turn right back over right shoulder, step right forward, step left together with right, step right forward (optional 1 ½ turn shuffle)
Done at the end of wall 1:
1-2-3&4Rock, replace, left coaster step: rock forward on left, replace weight back to right, left coaster step
5-6-7&8Rock, replace, right coaster step: rock forward on right, replace weight back to left, right coaster step
During 3rd wall, dance up to count 60. Weight is on the wrong foot to restart. Simply step right together left on an added and (&) count then restart from beginning
You will be facing the 9:00 wall for both the tag and the restart
5-6&7-8&Dorothy steps: step right forward to 45, lock left behind right & step right forward to 45, step left forward to 45, lock right behind left & step left to 45
1-2-3-4Step, pivot, rock forward, back: step right forward, pivot turn ½ turn taking weight forward on left, step right to 45 rocking hips forward to right, rock hips back to left taking weight on left
5&6Right coaster step: step back on right, step left back together with right, step right forward
7&8Cross shuffle: step left over right, step right to side, step left over right
1&2Side shuffle: step right to side, step left together with right, step right to side
3&4Left samba: step left across in front of right, step right to side, replace weight to left
5&6Cross shuffle: step right over left, step left to side, step right over left
7&8Side shuffle: step left to side, step right together with left, step left to side
1&2Right samba step: step right over left, step left to side, replace weight to right
3-4Left step point: step left forward in line with right, point right to side (traveling forward)
5-6Right step point: step right forward in line with left, point left to side (traveling forward)
7-8Left step point: step left forward in line with right, point right to side (traveling forward)
1-2½ Monterey turn: turn ½ turn stepping right together with left, point left to side
3&4Left cross side heel: step left over right, step right to side, touch left heel forward at 45 degrees
&5&6And right cross side heel: step left to center, step right over left, step left to side, touch right heel forward at 45 degrees
&7-8And step stomp: step right to center, step left forward, stomp right together with left (keeping weight on left)
1-2-3-4Rolling vine right: make ¼ turn right stepping right forward, make ½ turn right stepping left back, make ¼ turn right stepping right to side, step left over right
5-6&7-8¼ turn right, left coaster step, touch: make ¼ turn left stepping right back, step back on left, step right back together with left step left forward, touch right beside left
&1-2&3-4Ball step touch, ball step scuff: step right back, step left forward, touch right beside left, step right back, step left forward, scuff right forward
5-6-7-8Rock, replace, ½ turn, step: rock forward on right, replace weight back on left, make ½ turn back over right shoulder stepping right forward, step left to side
1&2-3&4Right sailor step, left sailor step: step right behind left, step left to side, step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side, step left to side
5-6&7&8Rock, replace, ½ turn shuffle: rock right forward, replace weight back to left, make ½ turn right back over right shoulder, step right forward, step left together with right, step right forward (optional 1 ½ turn shuffle)
Done at the end of wall 1:
1-2-3&4Rock, replace, left coaster step: rock forward on left, replace weight back to right, left coaster step
5-6-7&8Rock, replace, right coaster step: rock forward on right, replace weight back to left, right coaster step
During 3rd wall, dance up to count 60. Weight is on the wrong foot to restart. Simply step right together left on an added and (&) count then restart from beginning
You will be facing the 9:00 wall for both the tag and the restart