No Tag, No Restart
Section 1: R Lindy, L Lindy
1&2Step R to R, L together, R to R (chasse to R)
3, 4L foot rock back, R foot recover weight
5&6Step L to L, R together, L to L (chasse to L)
7, 8R foot rock back, L foot recover weight
Section2: R Rocking Chair, R Shuffle Forward RLR, L rock fwd, R recover
1 – 4R foot rock forward, L recover weight(at centre), R foot rock back, L recover weight(at centre)
5&6R shuffle forward RLR
7, 8L foot rock forward, R foot recover weight
Section 3: L Shuffle Back LRL, R rock back, L recover, R Shuffle fwd RLR, L Step forward make 1/2 Turn Right and step fwd on R foot
1&2Left shuffle back LRL
3, 4R rock back, L recover weight
5&6R shuffle forward RLR
7, 8L step forward, R turn 1/ 2 and step forward on R foot
Section 4: L Shuffle forward LRL, step forward R with weight, Turn 3/ 4 left stepping back on L foot
(Begin Dance Again: abrupt change to momentum with Lindy to the right with Section 1)
1 – 4L shuffle forward LRL, step forward R foot with weight, Turn 3/ 4 to left stepping back on L foot (with weight)…you will abruptly change momentum and begin the Dance again with a Lindy: Section 1.
Revised Stepsheet submitted by Sher McIntosh (
Section 1: R Lindy, L Lindy
1&2Step R to R, L together, R to R (chasse to R)
3, 4L foot rock back, R foot recover weight
5&6Step L to L, R together, L to L (chasse to L)
7, 8R foot rock back, L foot recover weight
Section2: R Rocking Chair, R Shuffle Forward RLR, L rock fwd, R recover
1 – 4R foot rock forward, L recover weight(at centre), R foot rock back, L recover weight(at centre)
5&6R shuffle forward RLR
7, 8L foot rock forward, R foot recover weight
Section 3: L Shuffle Back LRL, R rock back, L recover, R Shuffle fwd RLR, L Step forward make 1/2 Turn Right and step fwd on R foot
1&2Left shuffle back LRL
3, 4R rock back, L recover weight
5&6R shuffle forward RLR
7, 8L step forward, R turn 1/ 2 and step forward on R foot
Section 4: L Shuffle forward LRL, step forward R with weight, Turn 3/ 4 left stepping back on L foot
(Begin Dance Again: abrupt change to momentum with Lindy to the right with Section 1)
1 – 4L shuffle forward LRL, step forward R foot with weight, Turn 3/ 4 to left stepping back on L foot (with weight)…you will abruptly change momentum and begin the Dance again with a Lindy: Section 1.
Revised Stepsheet submitted by Sher McIntosh (