1,2Cross left over right (with right hand on left hip and left hand out to left side with palm facing forward), kick right foot out to right (switch hands)
3&4Hitch right while swinging right foot left right left (leaving left hand on right hip bringing right palm to side of head)
5&6Step back right, close left to right step forward right
78Hold, pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left
1,2Forward right, forward left
3&4Flick right foot back, hitch right with ½ turn right on ball of left, step forward on right
5&6Touch left toe next to right, step left next to right, step forward on right
78Hitch left taking ¼ turn on ball of right (twist body to left to gain torque), pivot ½ turn left on ball of right (twisting body to right to help turn)
1,2Forward left, forward right
3,4Touch left toe forward, step back on left
5,6Touch right toe back, ½ turn right taking weight on right
7,8Skate diagonally forward left, right
1,2Dip left knee to right leg, roll left knee out taking ¼ left leaving weight on right
3,4Bend knees while rolling right shoulder up & back, straighten knees rolling left shoulder up & back
5&6Touch right toe forward bumping hips forward back forward taking weight onto right (shaking right shoulder down up down)
7&8Turn ¼ right on ball of right touching left to left side, turn ¼ right hitching left knee, turn ¼ right on ball of right touching left to left side
TAG: After 3rd wall, repeat 4 times to make 1 complete turn
12Forward left, touch right besides left with right knee turned in
3&4Swing right knee right-left-right while turning ¼ right taking weight onto right
On next wall replace last 4 counts with 1 ¼ paddle turn left flapping arms like a bird (step right next left on count 8)
3&4Hitch right while swinging right foot left right left (leaving left hand on right hip bringing right palm to side of head)
5&6Step back right, close left to right step forward right
78Hold, pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left
1,2Forward right, forward left
3&4Flick right foot back, hitch right with ½ turn right on ball of left, step forward on right
5&6Touch left toe next to right, step left next to right, step forward on right
78Hitch left taking ¼ turn on ball of right (twist body to left to gain torque), pivot ½ turn left on ball of right (twisting body to right to help turn)
1,2Forward left, forward right
3,4Touch left toe forward, step back on left
5,6Touch right toe back, ½ turn right taking weight on right
7,8Skate diagonally forward left, right
1,2Dip left knee to right leg, roll left knee out taking ¼ left leaving weight on right
3,4Bend knees while rolling right shoulder up & back, straighten knees rolling left shoulder up & back
5&6Touch right toe forward bumping hips forward back forward taking weight onto right (shaking right shoulder down up down)
7&8Turn ¼ right on ball of right touching left to left side, turn ¼ right hitching left knee, turn ¼ right on ball of right touching left to left side
TAG: After 3rd wall, repeat 4 times to make 1 complete turn
12Forward left, touch right besides left with right knee turned in
3&4Swing right knee right-left-right while turning ¼ right taking weight onto right
On next wall replace last 4 counts with 1 ¼ paddle turn left flapping arms like a bird (step right next left on count 8)