CopperKnob Stepsheets

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You're The One

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Intermediate/Advanced waltz
Carl Sullivan (AUS)
You're the One - Dwight Yoakam
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1-3Step left forward, step right forward turning ½ turn left, replace weight onto left
4-5Step right forward, turning ½ turn right on right - step left back
6Turning ½ turn right on left - step right forward (counts 5-6 is a forward full turn right)
1-3Step left forward, step right forward turning ½ turn left, replace weight onto left
4-5Step right forward, turning ½ turn right on right - step left back
6Turning ½ turn right on left - step right forward (counts 5-6 is a forward full turn right)
1-3Step left to left side, replace weight onto right, step left across behind right
&4-5-6Step right to right side, step left across over right, step right to right side, replace weight onto left
1-3Step right across over left, step left to left side turning ¼ turn right on left, step right to right side
4-5&6Step left across over right, hold, step right to right side, step left across over right
1-3Step right to right side, replace weight onto left, step right across over left
4-6Step left to left side turning ½ turn right on left, step right to right side, step left across over right
1-2Replace weight onto right, step left to left side
3Turning ½ turn left on left - step right to right side
4Turning ½ turn left on right - step left to left side (counts 3-4 is a full turn left)
5&6Cross shuffle right-left-right to left side (right across left, left to left side, right across left)
1-3Step left to left side, replace weight onto right, step left across behind right
&4Step right to right side, step left across over right
5-6Step right to right side, step left across behind right
&1-2-3Step right to right side, step left across over right, replace weight onto right, step left to left side
4-6Step right across over left, step left to left side turning ½ turn right on left, step right beside left

Because it is a slow waltz, use long steps and develop some rise & fall in the steps. Keep it smooth and flowing
When using "I Love You, That's All" by Tracy Byrd, you can add a 6 beat bridge after the 2nd wall (facing back wall) to keep the phrasing better This only happens once

1-3Step left forward, step right beside left, step left in place
4-6Step right back, step left beside right, step right in place

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