1-4Two right kick ball changes
5-6Shuffle forward right
7-8Shuffle forward left
9-10Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn
11-12Shuffle forward right
13-14Shuffle forward left
15-18Vine right, scuff left
19-22Vine left with a ¼ turn left and scuff right foot forward
23-24Right 45, together
25-26Left 45, together
27-28Right 45, together
29-30Left 45, together
5-6Shuffle forward right
7-8Shuffle forward left
9-10Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn
11-12Shuffle forward right
13-14Shuffle forward left
15-18Vine right, scuff left
19-22Vine left with a ¼ turn left and scuff right foot forward
23-24Right 45, together
25-26Left 45, together
27-28Right 45, together
29-30Left 45, together