1-4Right shuffle forward, left shuffle forward
5-8Rock forward on to right, rock backwards on to left, make ½ turn to the right, stepping down on right foot, stomp left next to right
9-12Tap right heel forward twice (45 degrees), tap right heel to side twice
13-14Tap right heel forward once (45 degrees), tap right heel to side once
&Right cross behind left
15-16Step to the side on ball of left foot (½ beat), step back on to right foot (½ beat)
17-20Tap left heel forward twice (45 degrees), tap left heel to side twice
21-22Tap left heel forward once (45 degrees), tap left heel to side once
&Left cross behind right
23-24Step to the side on ball of right foot (½ beat), step back on to the left foot (½ beat)
25-28Step forward on right, hitch left knee, step back on left, step right back in place
29-32Step forward on left, hitch right knee, step back on right, step left back in place
5-8Rock forward on to right, rock backwards on to left, make ½ turn to the right, stepping down on right foot, stomp left next to right
9-12Tap right heel forward twice (45 degrees), tap right heel to side twice
13-14Tap right heel forward once (45 degrees), tap right heel to side once
&Right cross behind left
15-16Step to the side on ball of left foot (½ beat), step back on to right foot (½ beat)
17-20Tap left heel forward twice (45 degrees), tap left heel to side twice
21-22Tap left heel forward once (45 degrees), tap left heel to side once
&Left cross behind right
23-24Step to the side on ball of right foot (½ beat), step back on to the left foot (½ beat)
25-28Step forward on right, hitch left knee, step back on left, step right back in place
29-32Step forward on left, hitch right knee, step back on right, step left back in place