CopperKnob Stepsheets

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French Language German Language Chinese Simplified Language Chinese Traditional Language English Language

Waiting For It

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Terry Dunbar (AUS)
Waiting on the Real Thing - Gina Jeffreys
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1-4Step right to side, cross left behind, step right to side, step left together
5-8Step forward right, ½ pivot turn left, repeat
9-12Rock forward right, rock back left, step back right, cross left over right
13-16Step back right, step back left, cross right over left, step back left
17-20Rock to right on right, replace weight on left, cross right over left, hold
21-24Rock to left on left, replace weight on right, cross left over right, hold
25-28Step right to right, kick left to left side, cross left behind right, step right to side
29-32Step left to left, cross right behind left, step left to side, rock onto right
33-36Step forward left, replace weight on right, turn ¼ left and step left to side, hold
37-40Cross right over left, replace weight on left, step right to side, hold
41-44Rock forward on left, step back on right, step back on left, kick right forward
45-48Step back on right, step back on left, step back on right, kick left forward
49-52Step left to side, cross right behind left, turn ¼ left and step forward left, hold
53-56Step forward right, ½ pivot turn left, step forward right, hold
57-60Rock forward on left, rock back on right, step left together, hold
61-64Touch right to side, ½ turn right and step right together, touch left to side, step left together


After the 4th wall, dance the first 16 steps, then restart the dance again

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