wheelchair dance
Wheelchair Adaptation by Grant Taylor
When dancing this able bodied dancers, this is best done with the wheelchairs in the center and the able bodies dancers in a circle around them. It's great fun for everyone
1-4Clap hands together, slap right leg, clap hands together, slap right leg
5-8Clap hands together, slap left leg, clap hands together, slap left leg
9&10Slap right leg, bring right hand up to slap on top of left hand, slap right leg again
11-12Clap hands together in front, clap hands overhead
13-16Raise left arm in the air and roll 4 times in a circle (e.g. In roping a cow)
17-18Clasp hands together straight out in front, draw them in toward your chest
19-20Clasp hands together straight out in front, draw them in toward your chest
21-24Hold left wheel for 2 beats, hold right wheel for 2 beats
25-28Take 2 beats to ¼ turn to right, then 2 beats to ¼ back home (or to left)
29-32Take 2 beats to ¼ to the left, clap twice
When dancing this able bodied dancers, this is best done with the wheelchairs in the center and the able bodies dancers in a circle around them. It's great fun for everyone
1-4Clap hands together, slap right leg, clap hands together, slap right leg
5-8Clap hands together, slap left leg, clap hands together, slap left leg
9&10Slap right leg, bring right hand up to slap on top of left hand, slap right leg again
11-12Clap hands together in front, clap hands overhead
13-16Raise left arm in the air and roll 4 times in a circle (e.g. In roping a cow)
17-18Clasp hands together straight out in front, draw them in toward your chest
19-20Clasp hands together straight out in front, draw them in toward your chest
21-24Hold left wheel for 2 beats, hold right wheel for 2 beats
25-28Take 2 beats to ¼ turn to right, then 2 beats to ¼ back home (or to left)
29-32Take 2 beats to ¼ to the left, clap twice