CopperKnob Stepsheets

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The Turner

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Margaret Transmeier (USA)
I Hope You Want Me Too - The Mavericks
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1&2Shuffle forward right-left-right
3&4Shuffle forward left-right-left
5-8Repeat 1-4
9&10Step forward on right foot, pivot ½ turn to the left, step forward with left foot
&11-12¼ turn to left as you step back with right foot, pivot ½ turn to left on ball of right foot, step down on left foot
13-14Touch right toe to right side, drop right heel down
15-16Cross left foot over right and touch left toe, bring left heel down
17-18Using the ball of the right foot lunge to right side, shift weight to left foot
19-20Cross right foot over left shifting weight to right foot, hold
21-22Using the ball of the left foot lunge to left side, shift weight to right foot
23-24Cross left foot over right foot shifting weight to left foot, hold
25-26Right foot step forward, pivot ¼ to left
27-28Right foot step forward, pivot ¼ to left
29-32Jazz box (cross right foot over left, step back with left, step to side with right, touch left together)
33&34Shuffle forward left-right-left
35&36Shuffle forward right-left-right
37&38Step to left with left foot putting weight on ball of foot, ½ pivot to right on ball of left foot, step on right
39-44Repeat 33-38
45-46Step forward with left foot, slide right foot next to left foot
47-48Slide left foot forward, bring right leg forward and hitch while slapping right knee
49-50¼ turn to left as you step down with right foot, ¼ turn to left as you bring left leg forward and hitch while slapping left knee
51-52Step forward with left foot, slide right foot next to left foot
53-54Slide left foot forward, bring right leg forward and hitch as you turn ¼ to the left
55-58Vine to the right and touch left next to right
59-60Left foot step to left side with ¼ turn to left, right foot step next to left foot with ¼ turn left
61-62Pivot on right foot ½ turn to left landing on left foot, pivot on left foot ¼ turn to left and step right foot together
63-64Sway weight to right then left, with weight ending on left foot


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