Position: Side by Side position
1-4Diagonally forward left, lock right, diagonally forward left, brush right
5-8Repeat above starting on right
9-16Left shuffle, right shuffle, left shuffle, right shuffle
17-20Touch left heel forward, hook in front of right forward, stomp
21-24Repeat above 4 steps with right
25-28Rock left forward, back right, forward left, brush right
29-32Rock right forward, back left, forward right, brush left
1-4Diagonally forward left, lock right, diagonally forward left, brush right
5-8Repeat above starting on right
9-16Left shuffle, right shuffle, left shuffle, right shuffle
17-20Touch left heel forward, hook in front of right forward, stomp
21-24Repeat above 4 steps with right
25-28Rock left forward, back right, forward left, brush right
29-32Rock right forward, back left, forward right, brush left