&1-2-3&4Step left back, walk forward right-left and cha-cha forward right-left-right
5-6-7&8Rock forward on left, back on right - lock back right over left
1-2-3&4Turn a full turn right stepping back right-left & shuffle - ½ right - right-left-right
5-6-7&8Rock forward left, back right - left coaster cross
1-2-3&4Rock right to right - left to left with hips and cross samba right over left moving forward
5-6-7&8Rock left to left - right to right with hips and cross samba left over right moving forward
1-2-3-4Step forward right pivot - ½ left, stop forward right and slide left together
5-6Repeat steps slide with body angled slightly left and use hips
7&8Cha-cha forward right-left-right
1-2-3-4Step forward left pivot - ½ right repeat pivot
5-6-7&8Rock step forward left back on right and cha-cha slightly forward left-right-left
1-2-3&4Cross rock right over left, return weight to left- cha-cha-½ right
5-6-7&8Rock left to side, return weight to right, cross left over right and hold with double claps next to right ear
&1-2-3-4Step back on right and walk forward left-right-left-right with attitude
5-6-7&8Rock forward on left, back on right - lock back right over left
1-2-3&4Turn a full turn right stepping back right-left & shuffle - ½ right - right-left-right
5-6-7&8Rock forward left, back right - left coaster cross
1-2-3&4Rock right to right - left to left with hips and cross samba right over left moving forward
5-6-7&8Rock left to left - right to right with hips and cross samba left over right moving forward
1-2-3-4Step forward right pivot - ½ left, stop forward right and slide left together
5-6Repeat steps slide with body angled slightly left and use hips
7&8Cha-cha forward right-left-right
1-2-3-4Step forward left pivot - ½ right repeat pivot
5-6-7&8Rock step forward left back on right and cha-cha slightly forward left-right-left
1-2-3&4Cross rock right over left, return weight to left- cha-cha-½ right
5-6-7&8Rock left to side, return weight to right, cross left over right and hold with double claps next to right ear
&1-2-3-4Step back on right and walk forward left-right-left-right with attitude