1-2Kick right forward, step right back
3&4Step left back, replace weight forward onto right, step left forward (mambo)
5-6Step right forward, turn ½ left taking weight onto left
&7-8Step right beside left, step left forward, scuff right forward beside left (6:00)
1-2Step cross right over left, step left to side
3&4Step cross right behind left, step left to side, step cross right over left
5-6&Step rock left to side, replace weight onto right and turn ½ left on ball of right foot
7&8Shuffle to side stepping left-right-left (12:00)
1-2Turn ½ left and step right to side, kick left forward to left diagonal
3&4Left sailor step (step left behind right, step right to side, replace weight onto left)
5-6&Step right back, step left back, turn ½ right on ball of left foot
7&8Shuffle forward stepping right-left-right (12:00)
1-2Step left forward, turn ¼ right taking weight onto right (paddle)
3&4Step cross left over right, step right back, touch left heel forward
5&6Step cross left behind right, step right to side, step cross left over right
7&8Touch right heel forward, step right back, step cross left over right (3:00)
Fifth wall - dance first 16 counts and restart facing front wall
3&4Step left back, replace weight forward onto right, step left forward (mambo)
5-6Step right forward, turn ½ left taking weight onto left
&7-8Step right beside left, step left forward, scuff right forward beside left (6:00)
1-2Step cross right over left, step left to side
3&4Step cross right behind left, step left to side, step cross right over left
5-6&Step rock left to side, replace weight onto right and turn ½ left on ball of right foot
7&8Shuffle to side stepping left-right-left (12:00)
1-2Turn ½ left and step right to side, kick left forward to left diagonal
3&4Left sailor step (step left behind right, step right to side, replace weight onto left)
5-6&Step right back, step left back, turn ½ right on ball of left foot
7&8Shuffle forward stepping right-left-right (12:00)
1-2Step left forward, turn ¼ right taking weight onto right (paddle)
3&4Step cross left over right, step right back, touch left heel forward
5&6Step cross left behind right, step right to side, step cross left over right
7&8Touch right heel forward, step right back, step cross left over right (3:00)
Fifth wall - dance first 16 counts and restart facing front wall