Position: right side by side (Sweetheart)
1-2Step forward left, lock right behind left
3-4Step forward left touch right beside left
5-8Right vine finishing with weight on left
9-10Step forward right lock left behind right
11-12Step forward right touch left beside right
13-16Repeat 9-12 on left
17-20Step across left with right, step back left, step to right with right turning ¼ turn to left, touch left beside right
21-27Starting with left, 7 step weave to left turning lady once under right arm returning to Indian Position for last 3 steps
28-32Step diagonally right over left, step forward left turn ¼ turn right stepping forward right to LOD, place left beside right, touch right beside left
33-34Step forward right lock left behind right
35-36Step forward right touch left beside right
37-40Vine to left turning lady under arms returning to Right Sweetheart Position
41-42Rock forward on right step back onto left
43-44Step back on right step forward on left
45-47Step forward right, left, right turning lady once under right arm
48Touch left beside right
1-2Step forward left, lock right behind left
3-4Step forward left step right beside left
5-8Three step turn to left finish in left sweetheart position
9-10Step forward right lock left behind right
11-12Step forward right touch left beside right
13-16Repeat 9-12 on left
17-20Step across left with right, step back left, step to right with right turning ¼ turn to left, touch left beside right
21-27Make 1 full turn under man's right arm in 4 steps returning to Indian for last 3 steps
28-32Step diagonally right over left, step forward left turn ¼ turn right stepping forward right to LOD, place left beside right, touch right beside left
33-34Step forward right lock left behind right
35-36Step forward right step left beside right
37-40Three step turn right returning into Right Sweetheart Position
41-42Rock forward on right step back onto left
43-44Step back on right step forward on left
45-47Walking forward right, left, right turning once under man's right arm
48Touch left beside right
1-2Step forward left, lock right behind left
3-4Step forward left touch right beside left
5-8Right vine finishing with weight on left
9-10Step forward right lock left behind right
11-12Step forward right touch left beside right
13-16Repeat 9-12 on left
17-20Step across left with right, step back left, step to right with right turning ¼ turn to left, touch left beside right
21-27Starting with left, 7 step weave to left turning lady once under right arm returning to Indian Position for last 3 steps
28-32Step diagonally right over left, step forward left turn ¼ turn right stepping forward right to LOD, place left beside right, touch right beside left
33-34Step forward right lock left behind right
35-36Step forward right touch left beside right
37-40Vine to left turning lady under arms returning to Right Sweetheart Position
41-42Rock forward on right step back onto left
43-44Step back on right step forward on left
45-47Step forward right, left, right turning lady once under right arm
48Touch left beside right
1-2Step forward left, lock right behind left
3-4Step forward left step right beside left
5-8Three step turn to left finish in left sweetheart position
9-10Step forward right lock left behind right
11-12Step forward right touch left beside right
13-16Repeat 9-12 on left
17-20Step across left with right, step back left, step to right with right turning ¼ turn to left, touch left beside right
21-27Make 1 full turn under man's right arm in 4 steps returning to Indian for last 3 steps
28-32Step diagonally right over left, step forward left turn ¼ turn right stepping forward right to LOD, place left beside right, touch right beside left
33-34Step forward right lock left behind right
35-36Step forward right step left beside right
37-40Three step turn right returning into Right Sweetheart Position
41-42Rock forward on right step back onto left
43-44Step back on right step forward on left
45-47Walking forward right, left, right turning once under man's right arm
48Touch left beside right