CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Strait Dancing

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Intermediate social cha
Jan Wyllie (AUS)
I Just Want to Dance With You - George Strait
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1-2Rock forward on right, rock back on left
3-4-5Step slightly backwards on right, step left across in front of right, step right to right side
6-7&8Step left behind right, shuffle to the right (right-left-right)
9-10Rock forward on left, rock back on right
11-12-13Step slightly backwards on left, step right across in front of left, step left to left side
14-15&16Step right behind left, shuffle to the left (left-right-left)
17-18Step forward on right & pivot ½ turn left transferring weight to the left
19-20Rock forward on right, rock back on left
21Keeping left leg in place; making ½ turn right, step forward on right
22Rock weight back onto left
23&24Step slightly backwards on right, step left beside right, step right across in front of left
25-26Rock/step left to left, rock weight back to right
27&28Cross/shuffle to the right (left-right-left)
29-30Making ¼ turn right step forward on right, hold
&31Step left beside right, step forward on right
&32Step left beside right, step forward on right
33-34Rock/step left to left, rock weight back to right
35-36Step left behind right, hold
37-38Rock/step right to right, rock weight back on left
39-40Step right behind left, making ¼ turn left step forward on left
41-42Step forward on right & pivot ¼ turn left, transfer weight to left
43-44Step forward on right & pivot ¼ turn left, transfer weight to left
45-46Step forward on right slightly across in front of left, hold
47-48Step forward on left slightly across in front of right, hold


1 评论

Rising Sun Dancers March 8, 2018
Clasic Golden Oldie! Love it!! xxx

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