CopperKnob Stepsheets

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St. Clair County Cha Cha (P)

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Pat Clark (USA) & Tom Clark (USA)
Thinkin' About You - Trisha Yearwood
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Position: Two step position

1Step left foot to left side
&Drag right foot beside left foot
2Step left foot to left side
&Drag right foot beside left foot
3Step left foot to left side
4Touch right foot in position
5Step right foot to right side
&Drag left foot beside right foot
6Step right foot to right side
&Drag left foot beside right foot
7Step right foot to right side
8Touch left foot in position
9Turning your body to the right, step left foot across right foot
10Step right foot in position
11&12Turning to face RLOD, shuffle in place left-right-left
13Turning your body to the left, step right foot across left foot
14Step left foot in position
15&16Turning to face RLOD, shuffle in place right-left-right
17-18Drop left hand and turn 1 full turn left moving in RLOD-left. Right
19&20Backward shuffle left-right-left
21-22Turn left full turn right moving in RLOD right-left
23&24Backward shuffle right-left-right
25-26Drop right hand and turn ¾ right to face outside of circle left-right
27&28Pick up two step hold and shuffle in place left-right-left
29Turning your body to the right, step right foot behind left
30Step left foot in position
31&32Turn to face outside of circle and shuffle in place right-left-right
33-34Drop right hand and move behind man, step left, right turning ¼ left to face LOD and end up on man's right. Inside hands joined
35&36Shuffle forward-left, right, left
37-38Changing hands, cross behind man to end on his left-right, left
39&40Shuffle forward right-left-right
41-42Changing hands, cross in front of man to end on his right left-right
43&44Shuffle forward left-right-left
45&46Changing hands, cross behind man to end on his left-right, left
47&48Shuffle forward right-left-right
49Step left foot back as you turn ¼ left
50Step right foot forward as you turn ¼ right to face LOD
51&52(This next turn is like a little whip for momentum to reverse directions) shuffle forward turning ¼ right shuffle left-right-left
53-54(On the next full sequence the lady will complete a 1 ¾ turn left) turn ¾ left stepping forward right-left
55&56Shuffle forward turning a full turn left to end back in two step position right-left-right
57-58Step back left-right
59&60Shuffle backward left-right-left
61-62Step back right-left
63&64Shuffle backward right-left-right


1Step right-foot to right side

&Drag left foot beside right foot
2Step right foot to right side
&Drag left foot beside right foot
3Step right foot to right side
4Touch left foot in position
5Step left foot to left side
&Drag right foot beside left foot
6Step left foot to left side
&Drag right foot beside left foot
7Step left foot to left side
8Touch right foot in position
9Turning your body to the right, step right foot behind left foot
10Step left foot in position
11&12Turning to face LOD, shuffle in place right-left-right
13Turning your body to the left step left foot behind right foot
14Step right foot in position
15&l6Turning to face LOD, shuffle in place left-right-Left
17-18Drop right hand and walk forward turning the lady left-right-left
19&20Shuffle forward right-left-right
21-22Walk forward turning the lady right-left-right
23&24Shuffle forward left-right-left
25-26Drop left hand and turn ¾ right to face inside of circle right-left
27&28Pick up two step hold and shuffle in place right-left-right
29Turning your body to the right, step left foot across right
30Step right foot in position
31&32Turn to face inside of circle and shuffle in place left-right-left
33-34Drop left hand and move in front of lady step-right. Left turning ¼ to face LOD and end on lady's left, inside hands joined
35&36Shuffle forward-right, left, right
37-38Changing hands. Cross in front of lady to end on her right-left. Right
39&40Shuffle forward-left, right, left
41-42Changing hands. Cross behind lady to end on her left-right, left
43&04Shuffle forward-right, left, right
45&46Changing hands, cross in front of lady to end on her right-left, right
47&48Shuffle forward-left. Right, left
49Step right foot back as you turn ¼ right
50Step left foot forward as you turn ¼ left to face LOD
51&52(this next turn is like a little whip for momentum to reverse directions) forward-right, left, right
53-54(on the next full sequence the lady will complete a 1 ¾ turn left) step forward-left. Right raising inside hands to turn lady
55&56Shuffle forward turning the lady left to end in two step position-left. Right. Left
57-58Step forward right-left
59&60Shuffle forward right-Left-right
61-62Step forward left-right
63&64Shuffle forward left-Right-left


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