1-4Walk to the right side on right, left, right, left,
5-8Hitch left knee slowly and step back on left foot,
9-16Repeat 1-8
17-20Right step forward, pivot a ½ turn left, repeat,
21-22Bump hips right hold,
23-24Bump hips left, hold,
25-32On 8 beats roll top half of body around to the left
33-36Walk to the left side on left, right, left, right,
37-40Hitch right knee slowly and step back on right foot,
41-48Repeat 33-40
49-52Left step forward, pivot a ½ turn right, left step forward pivot a ¼ turn right,
53-54Bump hips left, hold,
55-56Bump hips right, hold,
57-64On 8 beats roll top half of body around to the left
5-8Hitch left knee slowly and step back on left foot,
9-16Repeat 1-8
17-20Right step forward, pivot a ½ turn left, repeat,
21-22Bump hips right hold,
23-24Bump hips left, hold,
25-32On 8 beats roll top half of body around to the left
33-36Walk to the left side on left, right, left, right,
37-40Hitch right knee slowly and step back on right foot,
41-48Repeat 33-40
49-52Left step forward, pivot a ½ turn right, left step forward pivot a ¼ turn right,
53-54Bump hips left, hold,
55-56Bump hips right, hold,
57-64On 8 beats roll top half of body around to the left