1&2Right sailor step (step right behind left, left sideways, right in place)
3-4Rock/step left forward, rock back on right
5&6Full turn left with triple step on spot (left-right-left)
7&8Shuffle forward right-left-right (12:00)
1&2Cross shuffle right (step left over right, right sideways, step left over right)
3Step right sideways right pushing hip out to right
4Turning ¼ turn right take weight back onto left
5-6Step right back, turn ½ turn left and step left forward
7-8Step right forward, turn ½ turn left weight to left (3:00)
1&2Turn ¾ turn right stepping right forward, left beside right, right beside left
3-4Step left forward, lock right behind left
&5Step left slightly left, step right slightly right
6-7Sway hips right, sway hips left
&8Step right in place, replace weight onto left (12:00)
1-2Step/cross right behind left, turn ¼ turn left and step left forward
3-4Step right forward, turn ½ turn left taking weight to left
5Turn ¼ turn right and step right forward
6Turn ½ turn right and step left back
7&8Turn ¼ turn right and shuffle sideways right (right-left-right) (3:00)
1&2Left coaster step back (step left back, right beside left, left forward)
3&4Right kick ball change
5-6Step right forward, turn ½ turn left taking weight to left
7-8Step right forward, touch/point left sideways left (9:00)
1Sweep left around into ¼ turn right and step/cross over right
&2Step right sideways right, step left in place
3-4Step right forward, turn ½ turn left taking weight to left
5&6Step/cross right over left, step left sideways left, step right in place
7&8Step/cross left over right, step right sideways right, step/cross left behind right (6:00)
1&2Turn ¼ turn right and shuffle forward (right-left-right)
3-4Step left forward, turn ¼ turn right taking weight to right (paddle)
5&6Cross shuffle right (left-right-left)
7Turn ¼ turn right and step right forward
&8Turn ½ turn right and step left back, turn ½ turn right and step right forward (3:00)
1&2Step/rock left forward, step right in place, step left back
3Turn ¼ turn right stepping right sideways (sway hips right)
4Replace weight onto left (sway hips left)
5-6Step right forward, lock left behind right
&7Step right slightly right, step left slightly left
8Scuff right forward and around to right (6:00)
During fourth wall (facing 6:00), dance up to count 40 (touch/point left sideways) as before. The steps then continue from count 33 (left coaster step back) as previously danced to the words "sooner or later". You will now be facing 3:00 wall
3-4Rock/step left forward, rock back on right
5&6Full turn left with triple step on spot (left-right-left)
7&8Shuffle forward right-left-right (12:00)
1&2Cross shuffle right (step left over right, right sideways, step left over right)
3Step right sideways right pushing hip out to right
4Turning ¼ turn right take weight back onto left
5-6Step right back, turn ½ turn left and step left forward
7-8Step right forward, turn ½ turn left weight to left (3:00)
1&2Turn ¾ turn right stepping right forward, left beside right, right beside left
3-4Step left forward, lock right behind left
&5Step left slightly left, step right slightly right
6-7Sway hips right, sway hips left
&8Step right in place, replace weight onto left (12:00)
1-2Step/cross right behind left, turn ¼ turn left and step left forward
3-4Step right forward, turn ½ turn left taking weight to left
5Turn ¼ turn right and step right forward
6Turn ½ turn right and step left back
7&8Turn ¼ turn right and shuffle sideways right (right-left-right) (3:00)
1&2Left coaster step back (step left back, right beside left, left forward)
3&4Right kick ball change
5-6Step right forward, turn ½ turn left taking weight to left
7-8Step right forward, touch/point left sideways left (9:00)
1Sweep left around into ¼ turn right and step/cross over right
&2Step right sideways right, step left in place
3-4Step right forward, turn ½ turn left taking weight to left
5&6Step/cross right over left, step left sideways left, step right in place
7&8Step/cross left over right, step right sideways right, step/cross left behind right (6:00)
1&2Turn ¼ turn right and shuffle forward (right-left-right)
3-4Step left forward, turn ¼ turn right taking weight to right (paddle)
5&6Cross shuffle right (left-right-left)
7Turn ¼ turn right and step right forward
&8Turn ½ turn right and step left back, turn ½ turn right and step right forward (3:00)
1&2Step/rock left forward, step right in place, step left back
3Turn ¼ turn right stepping right sideways (sway hips right)
4Replace weight onto left (sway hips left)
5-6Step right forward, lock left behind right
&7Step right slightly right, step left slightly left
8Scuff right forward and around to right (6:00)
During fourth wall (facing 6:00), dance up to count 40 (touch/point left sideways) as before. The steps then continue from count 33 (left coaster step back) as previously danced to the words "sooner or later". You will now be facing 3:00 wall