1-8Rock forward onto right heel, rock/replace weight back onto left, step right back onto right, rock forward onto left, step forward onto right, pivot ½ turn left, step forward onto right, pivot ¼ turn left (finish with weight on left)
1-8Repeat above 8 counts
1-8Shuffle forward right-left-right, step forward onto left, pivot ½ turn right turning ½ right and traveling back shuffle left-right-left, step back onto right, rock forward onto left
1-8Step right foot forward, hold, step left foot forward, hold, step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn left, right kick ball change
1-8Step right foot forward, hold, step left foot forward, hold, step right forward, pivot ¼ turn left, traveling to your left cross shuffle right-left-right
1-8Step left foot to left side, rock/replace weight onto right, cross left in front of right, hold, step right foot to right side, rock/replace weight onto left, cross right in front of left, turn ¼ left twisting both heels to right
1-8Twist/swivel toes right, heel right, toes right, kick left leg across body, step left slightly to your left side, kick right leg across body, step right leg slightly to your right side, kick left leg across body
1-8Step slightly back on your left behind your right foot, step right foot in front of left, step left foot to left side, step right foot behind left, take a large step left to left side, slide right foot towards left for 2 counts, stomp right beside left
1-8Repeat above 8 counts
1-8Shuffle forward right-left-right, step forward onto left, pivot ½ turn right turning ½ right and traveling back shuffle left-right-left, step back onto right, rock forward onto left
1-8Step right foot forward, hold, step left foot forward, hold, step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn left, right kick ball change
1-8Step right foot forward, hold, step left foot forward, hold, step right forward, pivot ¼ turn left, traveling to your left cross shuffle right-left-right
1-8Step left foot to left side, rock/replace weight onto right, cross left in front of right, hold, step right foot to right side, rock/replace weight onto left, cross right in front of left, turn ¼ left twisting both heels to right
1-8Twist/swivel toes right, heel right, toes right, kick left leg across body, step left slightly to your left side, kick right leg across body, step right leg slightly to your right side, kick left leg across body
1-8Step slightly back on your left behind your right foot, step right foot in front of left, step left foot to left side, step right foot behind left, take a large step left to left side, slide right foot towards left for 2 counts, stomp right beside left