&1-2Jump forward right-left, kick right leg to side
3&4Right sailor step
5&6Left sailor step with a ¼ turn left
7-8Step forward right, rock back left
Next 8 beats are moving backwards
&9Step right together, place left heel forward
&10Step left together, place right heel forward
&11Step right together, place left toe back
&12Step left together, place right heel forward
&13Step right together, place left heel forward
&14Step left together, place right heel forward
&15Hop back on left, tapping right toe back
&16Hop back on left, tapping right toe back
17-20Spinning vine right-left-right turning right, touching left together
21&22Place left heel to left side, step onto left, step right across left
Head turn left with body angled
23&24Place left heel to left side, step onto left, step right across left
Head turn left with body angled
25-26Stepping left the right, turning ¾ turn right
You should now be facing the back wall
27-28Shuffle forward left-right-left
29-32Kick right forward, stomp right over left, twist heels out, twist heels in
&33Turn ¼ left step right back, place left heel forward
&34Step on left, touch right together
35-37Kick right forward, then side, step right to right side
38Touch left toe across behind right (click fingers)
39-40Unwind ½ turn left
41-42Hold, hold
Hold hat and turn then turn hands in reverse
43-46Vine right-left-right turning ¼ right, step left forward
47-49Step right forward, touch left toe behind right, step left back
50-52Lock right in front of left, step left back, step right back
53-54Cross left over right, unwind ½ right (rolling hat as you lock)
&55-56Jump feet out right-left, hold 1 beat (replace hat)
&57-58Jump feet in right-left, hold 1 beat
&59&60Jump feet out right-left, jump feet in right-left
&61&62Jump feet out right-left, jump feet in right-left
63-64Hop back on right, tapping right toe back, hop back on right
65Tapping right toe back scuff right forward (with hands on right knee)
66Hitch right and touch right toe back
67-70Pivot ½ right, hold 1 beat, pivot ¼ turn left, hold
Moving hand back in place
71&72Place right heel forward, step onto right, place left heel forward
&73-74Step onto left, step right forward, stomp left together
75-76Moving right, swing right leg to right side, swing right leg back to center
77-78Swing right leg out to right, step onto right leg to right side
79-86Bump hips right twice, bump hips left twice, bump hips right-left-right-left
87-90Vine right-left-right turning a full turn right, step left to left side
91-92Kick right over left twice (holding hat)
&93-94Step right to right side, step left to left side, hold 1 beat
95-96Kick right over left twice (holding hat)
&97-98Step right to right side, step left to left side, hold 1 beat
&Pivot ½ turn right (holding hat)
99-102Bounce right heel 4 times
3&4Right sailor step
5&6Left sailor step with a ¼ turn left
7-8Step forward right, rock back left
Next 8 beats are moving backwards
&9Step right together, place left heel forward
&10Step left together, place right heel forward
&11Step right together, place left toe back
&12Step left together, place right heel forward
&13Step right together, place left heel forward
&14Step left together, place right heel forward
&15Hop back on left, tapping right toe back
&16Hop back on left, tapping right toe back
17-20Spinning vine right-left-right turning right, touching left together
21&22Place left heel to left side, step onto left, step right across left
Head turn left with body angled
23&24Place left heel to left side, step onto left, step right across left
Head turn left with body angled
25-26Stepping left the right, turning ¾ turn right
You should now be facing the back wall
27-28Shuffle forward left-right-left
29-32Kick right forward, stomp right over left, twist heels out, twist heels in
&33Turn ¼ left step right back, place left heel forward
&34Step on left, touch right together
35-37Kick right forward, then side, step right to right side
38Touch left toe across behind right (click fingers)
39-40Unwind ½ turn left
41-42Hold, hold
Hold hat and turn then turn hands in reverse
43-46Vine right-left-right turning ¼ right, step left forward
47-49Step right forward, touch left toe behind right, step left back
50-52Lock right in front of left, step left back, step right back
53-54Cross left over right, unwind ½ right (rolling hat as you lock)
&55-56Jump feet out right-left, hold 1 beat (replace hat)
&57-58Jump feet in right-left, hold 1 beat
&59&60Jump feet out right-left, jump feet in right-left
&61&62Jump feet out right-left, jump feet in right-left
63-64Hop back on right, tapping right toe back, hop back on right
65Tapping right toe back scuff right forward (with hands on right knee)
66Hitch right and touch right toe back
67-70Pivot ½ right, hold 1 beat, pivot ¼ turn left, hold
Moving hand back in place
71&72Place right heel forward, step onto right, place left heel forward
&73-74Step onto left, step right forward, stomp left together
75-76Moving right, swing right leg to right side, swing right leg back to center
77-78Swing right leg out to right, step onto right leg to right side
79-86Bump hips right twice, bump hips left twice, bump hips right-left-right-left
87-90Vine right-left-right turning a full turn right, step left to left side
91-92Kick right over left twice (holding hat)
&93-94Step right to right side, step left to left side, hold 1 beat
95-96Kick right over left twice (holding hat)
&97-98Step right to right side, step left to left side, hold 1 beat
&Pivot ½ turn right (holding hat)
99-102Bounce right heel 4 times