1&2Right foot kick ball change
3&4Repeat steps 1&2
5-6Place right foot forward and pivot ½ turn to left
7-10Grapevine to the right
1-12Right foot kick ball change
13&14Repeats steps 11&12
15-16Place right foot forward and pivot ½ turn to left
17-20Grapevine to the right
21-24Syncopated jumps forward (right foot first) landing with feet apart, clap, repeat
25-26Two heel digs forward on the right foot
27-28Two toe taps back on the right foot
29-30One heel dig forward on the right foot, clap
31-32One toe tap back on the right foot, clap
33&34Shuffle forward on the right foot(right, left, right)
35-36Place left foot forward and pivot ½ turn to the right
37&38Shuffle forward on the left foot(left, right, left)
39-40Place right foot forward and pivot ½ turn to the left
41-44Heel switches, right, left, right, clap
45-48Grapevine turning ½ turn to the right
3&4Repeat steps 1&2
5-6Place right foot forward and pivot ½ turn to left
7-10Grapevine to the right
1-12Right foot kick ball change
13&14Repeats steps 11&12
15-16Place right foot forward and pivot ½ turn to left
17-20Grapevine to the right
21-24Syncopated jumps forward (right foot first) landing with feet apart, clap, repeat
25-26Two heel digs forward on the right foot
27-28Two toe taps back on the right foot
29-30One heel dig forward on the right foot, clap
31-32One toe tap back on the right foot, clap
33&34Shuffle forward on the right foot(right, left, right)
35-36Place left foot forward and pivot ½ turn to the right
37&38Shuffle forward on the left foot(left, right, left)
39-40Place right foot forward and pivot ½ turn to the left
41-44Heel switches, right, left, right, clap
45-48Grapevine turning ½ turn to the right