Position: Side by side with lady on man's right, right hands joined on lady's right shoulder, left hands joined in front of man
1Step right foot forward
2&3Shuffle forward-left, right, left
4Step right foot forward
5&6Shuffle forward-left, right, left
7Step right foot forward
8Step left foot forward
9Step right foot forward
10Scuff left heel forward
11Touch left toe forward
12Pivot ½ turn right (weight on right foot)
13Step left foot forward
14Scuff right heel forward
15Touch right toe forward
16Pivot ¼ turn left (weight on left foot)
(You should be facing outside LOD with lady in front on man, hand on lady's shoulders, man's arm are fully extended)
17Cross right foot over left foot and step
&Keeping feet crossed, push off ball of left foot
18Step right foot moving slightly to the left
&Keeping feet crossed, push off ball of left foot
19Step right foot moving slightly to the left
20Step left foot forward turning ¼ left (now facing LOD)
21Step right foot forward
22Slide left foot next to right foot
23Step right foot forward
24Slide left foot next to right foot
25&26Step right foot forward moving hips-right, left, right
27&28Step left foot forward moving hips-left, right, left
29&30Step right foot forward moving hips-right, left, right
31&32Step left foot forward moving hips-left, right, left
1Step right foot forward
2&3Shuffle forward-left, right, left
4Step right foot forward
5&6Shuffle forward-left, right, left
7Step right foot forward
8Step left foot forward
9Step right foot forward
10Scuff left heel forward
11Touch left toe forward
12Pivot ½ turn right (weight on right foot)
13Step left foot forward
14Scuff right heel forward
15Touch right toe forward
16Pivot ¼ turn left (weight on left foot)
(You should be facing outside LOD with lady in front on man, hand on lady's shoulders, man's arm are fully extended)
17Cross right foot over left foot and step
&Keeping feet crossed, push off ball of left foot
18Step right foot moving slightly to the left
&Keeping feet crossed, push off ball of left foot
19Step right foot moving slightly to the left
20Step left foot forward turning ¼ left (now facing LOD)
21Step right foot forward
22Slide left foot next to right foot
23Step right foot forward
24Slide left foot next to right foot
25&26Step right foot forward moving hips-right, left, right
27&28Step left foot forward moving hips-left, right, left
29&30Step right foot forward moving hips-right, left, right
31&32Step left foot forward moving hips-left, right, left