CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Santa Fe Cha Cha (P)

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Ed Lawton (UK)
South of Santa Fe - Brooks & Dunn
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Position: Closed Western

1-3Step left to left, step back on right, rock forward on left
4&5Side cha-cha-cha on right, left, right
6-7Rock forward on left, rock back on right
8&1Side cha-cha-cha on left, right, left
Take lady's left in your right on the cha-cha-cha
2-3Rock right across left, rock back on left
Take lady's left hand round lady's head as you turn her
4&5Side cha-cha-cha on right, left, right
6-7Rock left across right, rock back on right
Take lady's right hand round her head as you turn her
8&1Side cha-cha-cha on left, right, left making a ¼ turn left on the last step
2-3Rock forward on right, rock back on left
Holding lady's left hand, with man's right hand
4&5Cha-cha-cha back on right, left, right making ½ a turn right, and changing hands
6-7Rock forward on left, rock back on right
8&1Cha-cha-cha back on left, right, left making ½ turn left, and changing hands
2-3Rock forward on right, rock back on left
4&5Cha-cha-cha back on right, left, right making ½ turn right
6-7Step forward on right step forward on left
Taking lady's right hand in man's left, around lady's head as you turn her to face you
8&1Cha-cha-cha forward on left, right, left
2-3Rock forward on right, back on left (holding both hands)
4&5Step back on right, step left next right, step forward on right (coaster step)
6-7Rock forward on left rock back on right
8&1Step lock back on left, right, left (touching right hands)
2&3Step lock back on right, left, right (touching left hands)
4&5Step lock back on left, right, left (touching right hands)
6-7Sweep right toe around and behind left locking and taking weight (hold hand for balance)
8&1Step lock forward on left, right, left (touching right hands)
2&3Step lock forward on right, left, right (touching left hands)
4&5Step lock forward on left, right, left (touching right hands)
6-7Sweep right toe forward and across left locking and taking weight (hold hand for balance)
8&1Step lock back on left, right, left (holding both hands)
2-3Rock back on right, rock forward on left (taking partner back into closed western)
4&5Side cha-cha-cha on right, left, right
6-7Rock forward on left, rock back on right
8&1Left side cha-cha-cha on left, right, left (the last left step is the first step of the dance)
For styling on the hand holds and touches, extend opposite arms


1-3Step right to right, rock forward on left, rock back on right

4&5Side cha-cha-cha left, on left, right, left
6-7Step back right, rock forward on left
8&1Side cha-cha-cha right on right, left, right making a 1/ 4 turn right on last step and dropping left hand
2-3Step forward left, make a ½ turn right step on right (passing under lady's right arm, man's left)
4&5Side cha-cha-cha left on left, right, left while facing partner and making a ¼ turn left on last left
6-7Step forward on right, make a ½ turn left step on left
8&1Side cha-cha-cha right on right, left, right while facing partner make a 1/ 4 turn right on last right
2-3Rock forward on left (holding partner's right hand), rock back on right
4&5Make a ½ turn cha-cha-cha on left, right, left releasing hands
As you turn pick up man's left hand
6-7Rock forward on right still holding hands, rock back on left
8&1Make ½ cha-cha-cha on right, left, right releasing hands
As you turn pick up man's right hand
2-3Rock forward on left, still holding hands rock back on right
4&5Make ½ turn cha-cha-cha on left, right, left releasing and changing hands
6-7Step forward on right under own raised right arm, step back on left making ½ turn left
You are now moving backwards holding both hands
8&1Cha-cha-cha back on right, left, right
2-3Step back on left then right
4&5Forward coaster step on left, right, left
6-7Rock back on right, rock forward on left
8&1Forward step lock on right, left, right (touching left hands)
2&3Forward step lock on left, right, left (touching right hands)
4&5Forward step lock on right, left, right (touching left hands)
6-7Sweep left toe around and across right locking and taking weight (hold hand for balance)
8&1Backward step lock on right, left, right (touching left hands)
2&3Backward step lock on left, right, left (touching right hands)
4&5Backward step lock on right, left, right (touching left hands)
6-7Sweep left toe around and behind right locking and taking weight (hold hand for balance)
8&1Step lock forward on right, left, right
2-3Rock forward on left, rock back on right (moving back into closed western)
4&5Left side cha-cha-cha on left, right, left
6-7Rock back on right forward on left
8&1Right side cha-cha-cha on right, left, right (the last right step is the first step of the dance)
For styling on the hand holds and touches, extend opposite arms


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