When done Contra Lines begin back to back
1-2Touch right toe to side, step together
3-4Touch left toe to side, step together
5-8Touch right heel in front, hook left leg, touch right in front, step together.
9-12Touch left heel in front, hook right leg, touch in front, step together.
13-16Touch right heel twice in front, tap right toe twice in back.
17-20Step forward on right, touch left in front, touch left to side, slap left foot behind right knee. *
21-24Grapevine step to left (step left, behind on right, step left, hitch right)
Lady's Dancing in skirts and dresses may want to Slide the left foot behind the right keeping the toe on the floor. This prevents her heel from catching in the hem.
25-28Step to the side on right, make ½ turn to the right (weight lands on left), step behind on right, hitch with left
29-32Step forward on left, slide together right, step left, stomp right. (weight remains on left)
1-2Touch right toe to side, step together
3-4Touch left toe to side, step together
5-8Touch right heel in front, hook left leg, touch right in front, step together.
9-12Touch left heel in front, hook right leg, touch in front, step together.
13-16Touch right heel twice in front, tap right toe twice in back.
17-20Step forward on right, touch left in front, touch left to side, slap left foot behind right knee. *
21-24Grapevine step to left (step left, behind on right, step left, hitch right)
Lady's Dancing in skirts and dresses may want to Slide the left foot behind the right keeping the toe on the floor. This prevents her heel from catching in the hem.
25-28Step to the side on right, make ½ turn to the right (weight lands on left), step behind on right, hitch with left
29-32Step forward on left, slide together right, step left, stomp right. (weight remains on left)