1-2Scuff right heel forward touch right toe to right diagonal
3-4Tap right heel down for two counts
5-6Scuff left heel forward touch left toe to left diagonal
7-8Tap left heel down for two counts
1-2Walk forward right, left
3-4Walk forward right and kick left foot in front
5-6Walk back left, right
7-8Make a coaster step back on left foot
1-8Repeat the last eight counts
1-2Step forward on right, make a ½ turn over left shoulder
3-4Step forward on right, make a ½ turn over left shoulder
5-6Step right foot to right side, cross left foot behind right
7-8Make a ¼ turn right stepping on to right foot close left beside right
3-4Tap right heel down for two counts
5-6Scuff left heel forward touch left toe to left diagonal
7-8Tap left heel down for two counts
1-2Walk forward right, left
3-4Walk forward right and kick left foot in front
5-6Walk back left, right
7-8Make a coaster step back on left foot
1-8Repeat the last eight counts
1-2Step forward on right, make a ½ turn over left shoulder
3-4Step forward on right, make a ½ turn over left shoulder
5-6Step right foot to right side, cross left foot behind right
7-8Make a ¼ turn right stepping on to right foot close left beside right