Position: Sweetheart
1-4Swivel on right toe and left heel twice
5-8Step forward on right, left in place, dip down & up
9-12Left heel tap forward twice, left toe tap to side, left toe tap to rear
13-16Left shuffle, right shuffle
17-20Rolling grapevine to left, kick right foot forward
21-24Step down right, kick left, step down left, kick right,
25-28Grapevine right, (¼ turn right on 3rd beat), touch left
Man is now behind lady facing out of circle
29-32Step forward left, touch right together step back right, touch left together
33-36Grapevine left, (make ¼ turn right on 3rd beat to LOD) step forward on right
37-40Rock back on left, step back on right, rock forward on left, scuff right foot forward
41-48Right shuffle, left shuffle, right shuffle, stomp left foot in place twice
1-4Swivel on right toe and left heel twice
5-8Step forward on right, left in place, dip down & up
9-12Left heel tap forward twice, left toe tap to side, left toe tap to rear
13-16Left shuffle, right shuffle
17-20Rolling grapevine to left, kick right foot forward
21-24Step down right, kick left, step down left, kick right,
25-28Grapevine right, (¼ turn right on 3rd beat), touch left
Man is now behind lady facing out of circle
29-32Step forward left, touch right together step back right, touch left together
33-36Grapevine left, (make ¼ turn right on 3rd beat to LOD) step forward on right
37-40Rock back on left, step back on right, rock forward on left, scuff right foot forward
41-48Right shuffle, left shuffle, right shuffle, stomp left foot in place twice