CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Pure And Simple

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Mark Furnell (UK)
Pure And Simple - Hear'Say
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1-2-3&4&Walk forward right foot, walk forward left foot, point right forward pivot ½ turn left, point right ½ turn left
5-6-7&8&Repeat steps 1-4
9-10-11&12Step side right, close left to right, step side together side
13-14-15&16Step side left, close right to left, step side together side
17-18-19&20Step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side, cross left behind, step right to side
21-22-23&24Step forward left, pivot ½ turn right, shuffle forward left, right left
25-32Repeat steps 17-24
34-34-35&36Walk forward right, walk forward left, rock forward right, back onto left, step ½ turn right on right
37-38-39&40&Walk forward left, walk forward right, step forward left and bump left, right, left, right
41-42-43&44Step forward left, pivot ½ turn left stepping back on right, left coaster step
45&46&47&48Stomp forward right & clap, stomp forward left & clap, right ronde round ½ turn left & touch right to left
49-50-51&52Step right to side, cross left behind right, rock right to side and cross right over left
53-54-55&56Step left to side, cross right behind left, rock left to side and cross left over right
57-60Skate right diagonal right, skate diagonal left, skate diagonal right, skate diagonal left
61&62&63&64Step out right, step out left, step in left, step in right, rock back right, recover onto left, stomp right to left
65-80Repeat 49-64


On the third wall, end the dance by repeating step 49-80, and then changing steps 53-56 to:

53-54-55&56Step left to side, pivot ½ turn right stepping right, cross rock left over right, step left to side

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