CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Prince's Bridge

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Richard Tymko (CAN)
The Sacrifice Of Victor - Prince
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1Small step forward on right heel pushing right toe out to side, simultaneously pushing left heel forward - weight on ball of left foot and heel of right foot. Knees turn out to side
&Weight transfers on to ball of right foot while pushing right heel out. Left foot picks up, foot towards outside of leg. Knees together at center
2Small step forward on left heel pushing left toe out to side, simultaneously pushing right heel forward - weight on ball of right foot and heel of left foot
Knees turn out to side
&Weight transfers on to ball of left foot while pushing left heel out. Right foot picks up, foot towards outside of leg. Knees together at center
3&4&Repeat 1&2&
5&6&Repeat 1&2&
7&8&Repeat 1&2&

1&Kick right foot front, step, together
2&Step left back, leaving ball of right foot on floor while twisting right heel forward. Transfer weight forward on to front right foot. Arms push forward away from body on step back
3&Kick left foot front, step together
4&Step right back, leaving ball of left foot on floor while twisting left heel forward. Transfer weight forward on to left front foot. Arms push forward away from body on step back
5&6&Repeat above
7&8&Repeat 5&6&

1Step together. Knees bent
2Quarter turn left
3Contract body, head tucks in, deepen plie. Hands on crease of leg
4Release to second position - head pops up
5-6Ribs and shoulders push left then right.
Gradually straighten legs over counts 5-8
7-8Ribs and shoulders push left then right

&1Step left point right foot to side. Push arms down, palms down. Right arm in front of body, left arm behind, body turns left
&2Step right point left foot to side. Push arms down, palms down. Left arm in front of body, right arm behind, body turns right
&3Quarter turn left. Step left point right foot. Right arm circles and pushes across body to left hip, fingers spread
&4Step right point left foot to side. Left arm circles and pushes across body to right hip, fingers spread
Right hand still at left hip
&5Step left point right foot to side. Both arms circle left to right in front of face. End with left hand in front of right shoulder, right arm extended straight out from shoulder. Both hands have fingers spread, left hand with palm towards body, right hand with palm facing front
6Left hand tilts up toward face
7Left hand tilts down. Right hand tilts up slight bend in elbow
&Left hand tilts up, right hand tilts down
8Left hand tilts up, right hand tilts down bend in elbow increases. At the same time, body does quarter turn right, head throw back. Both knees are bent, weight on left foot, right on ball of foot

1&2Step right hop hop, left behind with knee bent. Sailor arms: right arm bent in front across body
Hand in fist; left arm wrapped around back of body, hand in fist
3Step front left
&Step back on to right kicking left foot forward
4Step back on to right kicking left foot forward
5Scuff right, scooping arms up with hands in fists
&6Bring right knee up, left knee up then drop to squat keeping back straight. Hands on crease of thighs
7Stand up with feet together
&8Clap. Clap

1Twist both heels right while bending knees
&Heels return to center as legs straighten
2Right knee picks up as left knee bends
&Step forward on to right while straightening knees
3Left knee picks up as right knee bends
&Step back on left while straightening knees
4Right knee picks up as left knee bends
&Step together right while straightening legs
5&6&Repeat to left
7&8&Repeat to left
Arms: hands together, right over left. Push hands down on steps
When knee picks up, hands come over knee then push down to center

1&Right arm turns out then in. Right arm out, elbow in at waist, fingers spread. Right arm recovers to beginning position, elbows out, hand in front of stomach with fingers spread (left hand remains in this position.)
2&Both knees turn out then in. Both arms out to side, elbows remain at side of waist, fingers spread
Arms return to beginning position
3Step back on to left foot, kicking right foot forward. Opposition sailor arms
&4Step forward on to right foot, step together left. Opposition sailor arms
5&Kick right foot to side. Close feet together
6&Kick left foot to side. Close feet together
7&Kick right foot forward to right corner. Close feet together.
8&Kick left foot back to left corner. Close feet together

1Step right forward. Right arm circles in and pushes forward and up over head
Arm ends straight with palm out
2Step left forward. Left arm circles in and pushes forward and up over head. Arm ends straight with palm out
3Bend knees while turning toes out to side, elbows in at waist. Hands out from waist, fingers spread with palms forward
&Bring knees and feet together on balls of feet. Arms remain bent while crossing overhead, right hand in front of left
4Drop into second position with feet turned out and knees bent
Arms come down and remain bent slightly away from body, fingers spread
&Right knee twists in on ball of foot. Right hand comes in to stomach
5Release to position in count 4
6Pull legs and feet together on full demi-pointe with legs straight. Arms straight up over head with palms towards each other
7Drop to turned out second with knees bent. Hands on crease of thigh

1Cross right over left
2Quarter turn left
3Half turn left
5Step forward on to right
6&Chaine turn - step left right making one full turn
7&8Step left forward. Ball change

1Step right foot to second position while making a quarter turn left and pushing hips right
&2Hips push left right
3&4Triple step making three quarter turn left
&Bring right knee up to retiere
5Step right foot out to second, leaving most of weight on left
6Side ripple/body roll to right, transferring weight to right
7Cross left foot behind right
8Three quarter turn left stepping right left. Feet end together in first position

1Right foot cuts in front of left shin
2Right foot kicks behind, remaining bent as body makes a quarter turn left
3Step forward right transferring weight but leaving left foot on floor
&Transfer weight back on to left foot while picking up right
4Step right back, transferring weight while leaving left foot on the floor
&Transfer weight to left foot while picking up right
5&6Repeat counts 3&4
7Jump crossing right foot (back foot) over left, while making a quarter turn right
&Jump out to second
8Jump feet together
Arms: opposite sailor arms on counts 1-6. Arms at side on counts 7&8

1-8Repeat on other leg


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