Intermediate international rumba
With assistance from group class in the Presidential room at Worlds 2003
8-1(S) Side step to left with left and hold
2-3(QQ) Rock step back with right, replace with left
4-5(S) Side step to right with right and hold
6-7(QQ) Rock step forward with left, replace with right
8-1(S) Side step to left with left and hold
2-3(QQ) Rock step back with right, replace with left
4-5(S) Step forward with right and hold
6&7&(QQ) Step to 1:30 with left, pivot half turn, step forward to 7:30, 3/8 turn to 12:00
8-1(S) Rock to left and hold
2-3(QQ) Rock in place to right then left
4-5(S) Rock to right and hold
6-7(QQ) Step left with left and step right together to the left
8-1(S) Turn ¼ right, step back on left foot and hold
2-3(QQ) Bring right foot to left (with a snap) and step forward on left
4-5(QQ) Step forward on right, spiral full turn to left on the right
6-7(QQ) Rond de jambe a terre (sweep on ground)
Every other time through, there will be a break on five, so you can hold 6-7 for accent
8-1(S) Side step to left with left and hold
2-3(QQ) Rock step back with right, replace with left
4-5(S) Side step to right with right and hold
6-7(QQ) Rock step forward with left, replace with right
8-1(S) Side step to left with left and hold
2-3(QQ) Rock step back with right, replace with left
4-5(S) Step forward with right and hold
6&7&(QQ) Step to 1:30 with left, pivot half turn, step forward to 7:30, 3/8 turn to 12:00
8-1(S) Rock to left and hold
2-3(QQ) Rock in place to right then left
4-5(S) Rock to right and hold
6-7(QQ) Step left with left and step right together to the left
8-1(S) Turn ¼ right, step back on left foot and hold
2-3(QQ) Bring right foot to left (with a snap) and step forward on left
4-5(QQ) Step forward on right, spiral full turn to left on the right
6-7(QQ) Rond de jambe a terre (sweep on ground)
Every other time through, there will be a break on five, so you can hold 6-7 for accent