CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Poor Willy

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Kurt Glover (AUS)
Down On the Corner - Mavericks
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1&2Step right forward, replace weight back on left, step back on right
3&4Step back on left, replace weight back on right, step forward left
5&6Step right to right side, replace weight back onto left, cross right in front of left
7&8Turn ¼ left stepping forward on left, step forward on right and pivot ½ turn to left, step slightly forward onto left
1&2Step right forward, step left to left side, step back on right turning ¼ left
3&4Step back on left, step right to right side, step back on left turning ¼ right
5&6Step back on right, step left beside right, step forward on right (coaster step)
7&8Touch left beside right, clap, clap
1-2Take a large step back on left, touch right beside left while clicking both fingers at shoulder height
3-4Turn ¼ turn right stepping forward onto right, step forward onto your left as you turn a further ½ turn right
5-6Touch right toe slightly back from left, step forward onto right as you turn ½ turn to your left
7-8Step back on left, step forward onto right as you turn ½ turn to right
1-2Step forward on left, touch right toe behind left
3&4Step right to right side as you step back slightly, step left to left side, step back on right
5&6Step back on left, step back on right, step forward on left (coaster step)
7-8Walk forward right, left
1-2Step onto right facing 1:00, pivot ½ turn to your left to face 7:00
&3-4Step right beside left, step left forward, pivot on the balls of both feet to 11:00 finishing with weight on right
5-6Step forward on left and pivot ½ turn right to 5:00
&7-8Step left beside right, step right forward, pivot on your right foot to left to the wall you started the dance from as you drag left beside right- taking weight on right
You should now have faced the 4 corners of the dance floor while dancing the above 8 counts
1&2Shuffle forward left, right, left
&3-4Flick right heel up, step forward on right and pivot ½ turn to your left
5-6Walk forward right, left
&7&8Step back on right, step left beside right, step right forward, step left forward


Before you start the dance for the 4th time facing 6:00 there is a 16 count bridge

1&2Step onto a right diagonal and bump hips right, left, right

3&4Step onto a left diagonal and bump hips left, right, left
5-6Rock forward onto right, rock back onto left
7&8Turn ½ right as you shuffle forward right, left, right
1&2Step onto a left diagonal and bump hips left, right, left
3&4Step onto a right diagonal and bump hips right, left, right
5-6Rock forward onto left, rock back onto right
7&8Turn ½ left as you shuffle forward left, right, left

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