1-2Step backwards onto toes of right foot, drop full right foot to floor
3-4Step backwards onto toes of left foot, drop full left foot to floor
5-6Step backwards onto right foot, step backwards onto left foot
7-8Pivot ½ turn right as you step onto right foot, hold
9-10Step forward onto left foot, pivot ½ turn right to place weight onto right foot
11-12Step forward onto left foot, hold
13-14Slide right foot forward at 45 degrees angle right for 2 counts
15-16Slide left foot forward at 45 degrees angle left for 2 counts
17-18Slide right foot out to right in a semi circular motion, step left foot in beside right
19-20Touch right toe across in front of left foot, pivot ½ turn left placing weight onto right foot
21-22Step left onto left foot, step right foot across behind left
23-24Step left onto left foot, touch right toe in beside left instep
25-26Step forward onto right foot, lock left foot behind right heel
27-28Step forward onto right foot to commence full turn, step onto left to continue turn
29-30Step onto right foot to continue turn, step onto left foot to complete turn
31-32Touch right toe in behind left foot, right 45 heel tap
3-4Step backwards onto toes of left foot, drop full left foot to floor
5-6Step backwards onto right foot, step backwards onto left foot
7-8Pivot ½ turn right as you step onto right foot, hold
9-10Step forward onto left foot, pivot ½ turn right to place weight onto right foot
11-12Step forward onto left foot, hold
13-14Slide right foot forward at 45 degrees angle right for 2 counts
15-16Slide left foot forward at 45 degrees angle left for 2 counts
17-18Slide right foot out to right in a semi circular motion, step left foot in beside right
19-20Touch right toe across in front of left foot, pivot ½ turn left placing weight onto right foot
21-22Step left onto left foot, step right foot across behind left
23-24Step left onto left foot, touch right toe in beside left instep
25-26Step forward onto right foot, lock left foot behind right heel
27-28Step forward onto right foot to commence full turn, step onto left to continue turn
29-30Step onto right foot to continue turn, step onto left foot to complete turn
31-32Touch right toe in behind left foot, right 45 heel tap