1-8Grapevine to the right (step right leg to right side, step left leg behind right, step right leg to right side, touch left foot in place next to right foot) grapevine to the left (step left to left side, right leg behind left, step left leg ¼ turn to left. Hitch right knee)
9-12Walk back, right, left, right, left
13-16Left foot step forward (slightly to the left), right foot slides to join left and steps in place, left foot step forward (slightly to left), right foot slides next to left and touch in place
17-20Right leg kick out to front, then put down with feet slightly apart. (2 counts) swivel left and right heels in together, then swivel left and right toes in together. (2 counts)
21-24Repeat steps 17-20
25-28Tap right leg out to right side, and back to place (2 counts) tap left leg out to left side, and back to place (2 counts)
29-32Monterey turn. (tap right leg out to right side, ½ turn right, placing right next to left, tap left to left side, then back in place, next to right)
9-12Walk back, right, left, right, left
13-16Left foot step forward (slightly to the left), right foot slides to join left and steps in place, left foot step forward (slightly to left), right foot slides next to left and touch in place
17-20Right leg kick out to front, then put down with feet slightly apart. (2 counts) swivel left and right heels in together, then swivel left and right toes in together. (2 counts)
21-24Repeat steps 17-20
25-28Tap right leg out to right side, and back to place (2 counts) tap left leg out to left side, and back to place (2 counts)
29-32Monterey turn. (tap right leg out to right side, ½ turn right, placing right next to left, tap left to left side, then back in place, next to right)