CopperKnob Stepsheets

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No Angel Blues

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Jill Geeson (UK)
You Are No Angel - Brendan Shine
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If dancing to "You are No Angel" start on the word "angel"
This dance was taught at the 6th Luton Country Music Festival -Sept 1999
1-4Step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right cross right foot over left. Clap
5-8Step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left cross left foot over right. Clap
9-12Rock to right side on right foot, rock to left side on left foot, rock to right side on right foot, turn half turn to right on right foot hitching up left
13-16Rock to left side on left foot, rock to right side on right foot, rock to left side on left foot. Turn half turn to left on left foot hitching up right
You are now facing original wall
17-20Right shuffle forward, step forward on left foot, half pivot to right
21-24Left shuffle forward, step forward on right foot, half pivot to left
25-28Grapevine to right, hitch up left
29-32Grapevine to left making quarter turn left, and hitchin up right
33-36Step forward on right foot, hitch up left, step back on left foot, hitch up right
37-40Step back on right foot, step left foot next to right, step forward on right foot, hitch up left
41-44Step forward on left foot, hitch up right, step back on right foott, hitch up left
45-48Step back on left foot, step right foot next to left, step forward on left foot, hitch up right
49-52Roll vine to right, hitch up left
53-56Roll vine to left, hitch up right
57-58Rock forward onto right foot, rock back on left foot making half turn to right on ball of left foot
59&60Right shuffle forward
61-62Rock forward onto left foot, rock back on right foot making half turn to left on ball of right foot
63&64Left shuffle forward


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