1&2Rock forward on right, recover onto left, rock back on right
&3Recover weight onto left foot, kick right foot forward
&4Step right foot in place, kick left foot forward
&Step left foot in place
5-6Heel grind ¼ turn right, weight ends up on left foot (the left foot should be behind right)
7&8Right coaster step
1-2Step left ¼ turn right, touch right next to left
3&4Chasse to your right
5&6Left back rock, recover onto right, slide left to left side
7&8Touch right next to left, touch it further outwards, touch right foot next to left
1&2Rock forward on right, recover onto left, ½ pivot right
3&4¾ turn right triple step (left, right, left)
5-6&Slide right to right side, rock back on left, recover onto right
7&Slide left to left side, touch right next to left
8&Touch right slightly away from left foot, place right foot down
1&2Cross left over right, step right back making a ¼ turn left, step left to left side
3&4Right crossing shuffle
5&Kick left foot forward, step left in place
6&Point right to right side, step right next to left
7-8Slide left foot to left side, step right next to left
1&2Rock forward on left, recover onto right, rock back on left
&3Recover weight onto right foot, kick left foot forward
&4Step left foot in place, kick right foot forward
&Step right foot in place
5-6Heel grind ¼ turn left, weight ends up on right foot(the right foot should be behind your left)
7&8Left coaster step
1-2Step right ¼ turn left, touch left next to right
3&4Chasse to your left
5&6Right back rock, recover onto left, slide right to right side
7&8Touch left next to right, touch it further outwards, touch left next to right
1&2Rock forward on left, recover onto right, ½ pivot turn left
3&4¾ turn left triple step (right, left, right)
5-6&Slide left to left side, rock back on right, recover onto left
7&Slide right to right side, touch left next to right
8&Touch left slightly away from right foot, place left foot down in place
Always start sections 1 & 5 facing the opposite diagonal of the foot you start on
&3Recover weight onto left foot, kick right foot forward
&4Step right foot in place, kick left foot forward
&Step left foot in place
5-6Heel grind ¼ turn right, weight ends up on left foot (the left foot should be behind right)
7&8Right coaster step
1-2Step left ¼ turn right, touch right next to left
3&4Chasse to your right
5&6Left back rock, recover onto right, slide left to left side
7&8Touch right next to left, touch it further outwards, touch right foot next to left
1&2Rock forward on right, recover onto left, ½ pivot right
3&4¾ turn right triple step (left, right, left)
5-6&Slide right to right side, rock back on left, recover onto right
7&Slide left to left side, touch right next to left
8&Touch right slightly away from left foot, place right foot down
1&2Cross left over right, step right back making a ¼ turn left, step left to left side
3&4Right crossing shuffle
5&Kick left foot forward, step left in place
6&Point right to right side, step right next to left
7-8Slide left foot to left side, step right next to left
1&2Rock forward on left, recover onto right, rock back on left
&3Recover weight onto right foot, kick left foot forward
&4Step left foot in place, kick right foot forward
&Step right foot in place
5-6Heel grind ¼ turn left, weight ends up on right foot(the right foot should be behind your left)
7&8Left coaster step
1-2Step right ¼ turn left, touch left next to right
3&4Chasse to your left
5&6Right back rock, recover onto left, slide right to right side
7&8Touch left next to right, touch it further outwards, touch left next to right
1&2Rock forward on left, recover onto right, ½ pivot turn left
3&4¾ turn left triple step (right, left, right)
5-6&Slide left to left side, rock back on right, recover onto left
7&Slide right to right side, touch left next to right
8&Touch left slightly away from right foot, place left foot down in place
Always start sections 1 & 5 facing the opposite diagonal of the foot you start on