1-2Right kick forward, right step back, left touch to the side
3-4Left sailor step
5-6Right cross behind left, unwind a ½ turn over right shoulder
7-8Left step forward, right touch to the side and click
9&10Right sailor step
11&Left heel touch forward, left step together
12&Right toe touch back, right step together
13-14Left step forward, pivot a ½ turn right
&15Hitch left knee, left step to the side
16Right slide to touch into place
17&Right step across the front of right, left step to the side
18&Right step behind left, left step to the side
19-20Roll hips anyway you wish - look sexy!
21-23Three right chugs making a ¾ turn left
&24Right step in place, left touch to the side as you click your right hand up in the air and point left index finger down to left side
25-26Left cross over right, unwind a ½ turn right
27-28Right step forward, left touch to the side and click fingers
29&30Left step forward, pivot a ½ turn right, left step forward and click
&31Right diagonally step back, left cross over right
&32Right diagonally step back, left toe touch to the side
&Bring left together to start again!
3-4Left sailor step
5-6Right cross behind left, unwind a ½ turn over right shoulder
7-8Left step forward, right touch to the side and click
9&10Right sailor step
11&Left heel touch forward, left step together
12&Right toe touch back, right step together
13-14Left step forward, pivot a ½ turn right
&15Hitch left knee, left step to the side
16Right slide to touch into place
17&Right step across the front of right, left step to the side
18&Right step behind left, left step to the side
19-20Roll hips anyway you wish - look sexy!
21-23Three right chugs making a ¾ turn left
&24Right step in place, left touch to the side as you click your right hand up in the air and point left index finger down to left side
25-26Left cross over right, unwind a ½ turn right
27-28Right step forward, left touch to the side and click fingers
29&30Left step forward, pivot a ½ turn right, left step forward and click
&31Right diagonally step back, left cross over right
&32Right diagonally step back, left toe touch to the side
&Bring left together to start again!