partner dance
Position: Start in closed position
1-3MAN: Step forward on left foot, right foot next to left, left foot together
LADY: Step back on right foot, left foot next to right, right foot together
4-6MAN: Step back on right foot, left foot next to right, right foot together
LADY: Left foot forward, right foot next to left, left foot together
7-9MAN: Cross left foot over right turning body to 45 degrees for styling, right foot next to left, left foot together
LADY: Cross right foot behind left turning body to 45 degrees for styling, left foot next to right, right foot together
10-12MAN: Cross right foot over left turning body to 45 degrees for styling, left foot next to right, right foot together
LADY: Cross left foot behind right, turning body to 45 degrees for styling, right foot next to left, left foot together
13-15MAN: (Dropping right hand and raising left hand while lady turns) Step in place left, right, left
LADY: (Dropping left hand and raising right hand) Turn under arch a full turn while stepping right, left, right
16-18MAN: Turn a full turn left while stepping right, left, right (coming back to closed position)
LADY: Step in place left, right, left while man turns (coming back to closed position)
19-24MAN: (Dropping right hand and raising left hand while lady turns) Step in place left, right, left, switch hands (Lady's right hand to man's right hand) and step in place right, left, right
LADY: (Dropping left hand and raising right hand) Turn under arch 1 ½ turns to right stepping right, left, right, left, right, left
Lady is now on man's right side. Leave both arms extended out
25-30MAN: (Raising both arms without releasing hand-to-hand touch while lady turns) Step in place left, right, left, right, left, right
LADY: (Raising both arms without releasing hand-to-hand touch) Turn 1 ½ turns to the right stepping right, left, right, left, right, left
Man is facing lady on right side. Right hand to right hand, bent at elbow; left hand to left hand passing through window
31-36MAN: (Keeping hands in window position) Step left, right, left, right, left, right while turning to the right 3 walls
LADY: (Keeping hands in window position) Step right, left, right, left, right, left while turning to the right 3 walls
37-42MAN: (Raise both arms without releasing hand-to-hand touch) Step in place left, right, left, right, left, right, bringing crossed hands down to waist level after lady unwinds
LADY: (Raise both arms without releasing hand-to-hand touch) Step right, left, right, left, right, left turning 2 complete revolutions to left to end facing man, hands crossed at waist level
43-45MAN: (Release left hand and raise right hand while lady turns) Step in place left, right, left switching hand hold on the 3rd step (man's left hand to lady's right)
LADY: (Release left hand and raise right hand) Turn a full turn right stepping right, left, right
46-48MAN: Turn a full turn left stepping right, left, right coming back to closed position
LADY: Step in place left, right, left while man completes turn. Come back to closed position.
When dancing to "Love At First Sight" by Adolfo Lee Mayo, the last chorus of the song will take you through counts 25-30. Slow down as the music does and end with the lady's right toe and man's left toe pointed in front, arms slightly lowered and heads tilted in towards each other.
1-3MAN: Step forward on left foot, right foot next to left, left foot together
LADY: Step back on right foot, left foot next to right, right foot together
4-6MAN: Step back on right foot, left foot next to right, right foot together
LADY: Left foot forward, right foot next to left, left foot together
7-9MAN: Cross left foot over right turning body to 45 degrees for styling, right foot next to left, left foot together
LADY: Cross right foot behind left turning body to 45 degrees for styling, left foot next to right, right foot together
10-12MAN: Cross right foot over left turning body to 45 degrees for styling, left foot next to right, right foot together
LADY: Cross left foot behind right, turning body to 45 degrees for styling, right foot next to left, left foot together
13-15MAN: (Dropping right hand and raising left hand while lady turns) Step in place left, right, left
LADY: (Dropping left hand and raising right hand) Turn under arch a full turn while stepping right, left, right
16-18MAN: Turn a full turn left while stepping right, left, right (coming back to closed position)
LADY: Step in place left, right, left while man turns (coming back to closed position)
19-24MAN: (Dropping right hand and raising left hand while lady turns) Step in place left, right, left, switch hands (Lady's right hand to man's right hand) and step in place right, left, right
LADY: (Dropping left hand and raising right hand) Turn under arch 1 ½ turns to right stepping right, left, right, left, right, left
Lady is now on man's right side. Leave both arms extended out
25-30MAN: (Raising both arms without releasing hand-to-hand touch while lady turns) Step in place left, right, left, right, left, right
LADY: (Raising both arms without releasing hand-to-hand touch) Turn 1 ½ turns to the right stepping right, left, right, left, right, left
Man is facing lady on right side. Right hand to right hand, bent at elbow; left hand to left hand passing through window
31-36MAN: (Keeping hands in window position) Step left, right, left, right, left, right while turning to the right 3 walls
LADY: (Keeping hands in window position) Step right, left, right, left, right, left while turning to the right 3 walls
37-42MAN: (Raise both arms without releasing hand-to-hand touch) Step in place left, right, left, right, left, right, bringing crossed hands down to waist level after lady unwinds
LADY: (Raise both arms without releasing hand-to-hand touch) Step right, left, right, left, right, left turning 2 complete revolutions to left to end facing man, hands crossed at waist level
43-45MAN: (Release left hand and raise right hand while lady turns) Step in place left, right, left switching hand hold on the 3rd step (man's left hand to lady's right)
LADY: (Release left hand and raise right hand) Turn a full turn right stepping right, left, right
46-48MAN: Turn a full turn left stepping right, left, right coming back to closed position
LADY: Step in place left, right, left while man completes turn. Come back to closed position.
When dancing to "Love At First Sight" by Adolfo Lee Mayo, the last chorus of the song will take you through counts 25-30. Slow down as the music does and end with the lady's right toe and man's left toe pointed in front, arms slightly lowered and heads tilted in towards each other.