1-2Rock forward on right foot recover weight onto left
3&4½ turning shuffle right on a right left right
5-6Step left foot forward into a ¼ pivot right
7&8Crossing shuffle left over right on a left right left
1-2Step right to right, ½ hinge step left step onto left foot
3&4Crossing shuffle right over left on a right left right
5-6Rock weight onto left foot, & recover weight onto right
7&8Step left behind right step right to right step left forward
1-2Rock forward on right recover weight onto left foot
3&4Right coaster step back on a back together forward
5-6Rock forward on left recover weight onto right foot
7&8Left coaster step back on a back together forward
1-2Step right to right side close left next right foot
3&4Chasse ¼ turn right on a right together turn
5-6Step left foot forward, ½ pivot right
7-8Rock forward onto left foot recover weight onto right
1&2A fairly quick ½ turn triple step on a left right left
3-4Cross right over left into a ¾ unwind finishing where right arm was
Done after walls 4 & 6
1-2Step right to right side touch left next to right foot
3-4Step left to left side touch right next to left foot
Start phasing the music out after 2nd tag, step touch, step touch, after approx 3 more walls, as a long track or just dance to end of music
3&4½ turning shuffle right on a right left right
5-6Step left foot forward into a ¼ pivot right
7&8Crossing shuffle left over right on a left right left
1-2Step right to right, ½ hinge step left step onto left foot
3&4Crossing shuffle right over left on a right left right
5-6Rock weight onto left foot, & recover weight onto right
7&8Step left behind right step right to right step left forward
1-2Rock forward on right recover weight onto left foot
3&4Right coaster step back on a back together forward
5-6Rock forward on left recover weight onto right foot
7&8Left coaster step back on a back together forward
1-2Step right to right side close left next right foot
3&4Chasse ¼ turn right on a right together turn
5-6Step left foot forward, ½ pivot right
7-8Rock forward onto left foot recover weight onto right
1&2A fairly quick ½ turn triple step on a left right left
3-4Cross right over left into a ¾ unwind finishing where right arm was
Done after walls 4 & 6
1-2Step right to right side touch left next to right foot
3-4Step left to left side touch right next to left foot
Start phasing the music out after 2nd tag, step touch, step touch, after approx 3 more walls, as a long track or just dance to end of music