1&2Sideways shuffle to right on right left right
3-4Rock left behind right, recover weight on to right
5&6Sideways shuffle to left on left right left
7-8Rock right behind left, recover weight on to left
9-10Rock forward on right, as you recover back onto left, make ½
11&12Triple step in place on right left right
13-14Rock forward on left, recover back on right
15&16Coaster step on left right left
17&18Sideways shuffle to right on right left right
19-20Repeat steps 3-4
21-24Repeat steps 5-8
25-32Repeat steps 9~16
33-34Touch right heel to floor in front, touch right heel to right side
35-36Triple step in place on right left right
37-38Touch left heel to floor in front make ¼ turn left as heel touches floor again
39-40Triple step in place on left right left
41-42Touch right heel to floor in front, make ¼ turn right as heel touches floor again
43&44Triple step in place on right left right
45-46Touch left heel to floor in front, touch left heel to left side
47&48Triple step in place on left right left
49-50Touch right toe out to right side. Bring right next to left while making ¼ turn right
51-52Touch left out to left side, bring left next to right.
53-56Repeats steps 49-52 (now at rear wall)
57-60Cross right over front of left, step left back, step right to right side, scuff left
61-64Cross left over front of right, step right back, step left to left side, scuff right
The following steps are only added at the front wall
65-68Repeat steps 57-60
69-72Repeat steps 61-64
3-4Rock left behind right, recover weight on to right
5&6Sideways shuffle to left on left right left
7-8Rock right behind left, recover weight on to left
9-10Rock forward on right, as you recover back onto left, make ½
11&12Triple step in place on right left right
13-14Rock forward on left, recover back on right
15&16Coaster step on left right left
17&18Sideways shuffle to right on right left right
19-20Repeat steps 3-4
21-24Repeat steps 5-8
25-32Repeat steps 9~16
33-34Touch right heel to floor in front, touch right heel to right side
35-36Triple step in place on right left right
37-38Touch left heel to floor in front make ¼ turn left as heel touches floor again
39-40Triple step in place on left right left
41-42Touch right heel to floor in front, make ¼ turn right as heel touches floor again
43&44Triple step in place on right left right
45-46Touch left heel to floor in front, touch left heel to left side
47&48Triple step in place on left right left
49-50Touch right toe out to right side. Bring right next to left while making ¼ turn right
51-52Touch left out to left side, bring left next to right.
53-56Repeats steps 49-52 (now at rear wall)
57-60Cross right over front of left, step left back, step right to right side, scuff left
61-64Cross left over front of right, step right back, step left to left side, scuff right
The following steps are only added at the front wall
65-68Repeat steps 57-60
69-72Repeat steps 61-64