CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Kiss What?

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Elaine Wheeler (USA)
Kiss This - Aaron Tippin
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Sequence: AAB, AAB (through count 51), B (starting at count 3)
A is the verse, B is the chorus

1&2-3-4Lindi (or side shuffle) to the right, step back behind right with left and rock, recover to right
5&6-7-8Lindi to the left, step back behind left with right and rock, recover on left
9&10-11-12Shuffle forward on right, step forward with left and do ½ turn
13&14-15-16Shuffle forward on left, step forward with right and do ½ turn
17&18-19Shuffle forward on right, turning body ¼ right, touch left toe to the side (front wall)
20-21Hitch knee and turn ½ to left on ball of right foot and touch left toe to side (back wall)
22-23Hitch knee and turn ½ to right on ball of right foot and touch left toe to side (front wall)
&24&Step back on ball of right foot and change back to left, leaving right foot behind and drag right toe forward
25-32Four forward toe struts: right toe, heel; left toe, heel; right toe, heel; left toe, heel

1-4Jazz box: right over left, step left back, step right to side, step left forward
5Step right together (shoulder distance apart)
6&7Sailor shuffle: left, right, left
8-9Double hip left (bring feet together)
10&11Sailor shuffle: right, left, right
12-13Cross left over right and touch right toe to side
14-15Cross right over left and touch left toe to side
16-17Cross left over right and touch right toe to side
18-19Cross right over left and touch left toe to side
20-21Step left behind right and turn ½ on balls of both feet
22&23Coaster step: left, right, left
24-25Touch right foot beside left and double hip left
26&27Coaster step: right, left, right
28-29Cross left behind right and touch right toe to side
29-30Cross right behind left and touch left toe to side
31-32Cross left behind right and touch right toe to side
33-34Cross right behind left and touch left toe to side
35-36Hold for two counts
37-40Walk forward on right, left, right, kick left
41-42Walk back left, right,
43&44Coaster step: left, right, left
45-47Long step to forward with right and slide left for 2 beats to meet right
48-49Double hip right
50-51Double hip left
52-53Single hip right, single hip left
54-56Single hip right, single hip left, and hold one count
57-58Touch right toe to right, touch left toe to left
59&60Touch right toe to right and hitch knee crossing over left foot (weight on right)
61-62Touch left toe to left, touch right toe to right
63&64Touch left toe to left and hitch knee crossing over right foot (weight on left)

After single hip bumps (54-55), start walking away for four counts, stop and put left hand on left hip on "good" and right hip on "bye" and turn over left shoulder and mouth "see ya"!

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