CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Kickin' And Screamin'

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Justine Shuttleworth (AUS)
Kickin' And Screamin' - Garth Brooks
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1-2Cross left over right, touch right toe to right head turning right holding hat
3&4Cross right over left, step left to left, step right in place
5-12Repeat above 4 beats twice more
13&Cross left over right, step right to right
14&Cross left over right, step right to right
15&Cross left over right, step right to right
16Cross left over right
17-20Touch right toe to right, pivot ½ turn right on ball of left foot stepping right next to left, touch left to left, hold (as in Monterey turn)
&Step left next to right
21-24Touch right toe to right, pivot ½ turn right on ball of left foot stepping right next to left, touch left to left, hold (as in Monterey turn)
&Step left next to right
25-26Rock forward on right, rock back on left
27&28Turn ½ turn right stepping right-left-right
29-30Step forward left, forward right
31&32Hold, step left to left, step right to right
33-34Bend both knees, turn ¼ turn right lifting right heel and click
35-36Bend both knees turning back ¼ turn left, turn ¼ turn left lifting left heel and click
37-40Repeat last 4 counts
&41Step left next to right, stomp right at 45 degrees
&42Clap to right twice turning head right
&43Step right next to left, stomp left at 45 degrees
&44Clap to left twice turning head left
&Step left next to right
45-46Step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn left
47&48Step right foot forward pivoting ¼ turn left, clap twice
49-52Bump hips right 3 times, turn ¼ turn right taking weight onto left
53&54Shuffle back right-left-right
55&56Pivot ½ turn left on ball of right foot and shuffle forward left-right-left, (take hat off)
57&58Step right 45 degrees right, tap left next to right, kick left to right 45 degrees taking hat to left
59&60Step left 45 degrees left, tap right next to left, kick right to left 45 degrees taking hat to right
61&62Step right 45 degrees right, tap left next to right, kick left to right 45 degrees taking hat to left
&63Step left next to right, kick right to left 45 degrees taking hat to right
&64Step right next to left, kick left to right 45 degrees taking hat to left
&65Step onto left heel at 45 degrees left, step onto right heel at 45 degrees right pushing hat forward
&66Step left center bringing hat back to body, step right center
67-70Repeat last 2 counts twice
&71Step onto left heel at 45 degrees left, step onto right heel at 45 degrees right pushing hat forward
&72Step left center, tap right next to left bringing hat back to body
73&74Shuffle to right stepping right-left-right, putting hat back on head
75-76Rock back left, rock forward right
77&78Shuffle to left stepping left-right-left
79-80Rock back right, rock forward left
81&82&Shuffle to right 45 degrees stepping right-left-right-left
83&84Continue shuffle to right 45 degrees stepping right-left-right
&Pivot on ball of right foot ½ turn left
85&86&Shuffle to right 45 degrees (back right hand corner) stepping left-right-left-right
87&88Continue shuffle to right 45 degrees stepping left-right-left
89-92Step forward right, pivot ¼ turn left, step forward right, pivot ¼ turn left
93-94Step forward right, pivot ¼ turn left
95&96Shuffle on spot right-left-right


Special 16-count insert (danced between counts 16 and 17 on wall 2 only)

1-3Stomp right to right turning head to right, tap right heel twice

&4Step right next to left, touch left toe to left turning head left
&1Step left next to right, stomp right to right turning head to right
2-3Tap right heel twice
&4Step right next to left, touch left toe to left-head to left
&1Step left next to right, stomp right to right-head to right
2-4Tap right heel 3 times
&1Step right next to left, touch left toe to left-head to left
&3Step left next to right, touch right toe to right-head to right
4Step right next to left

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