High Intermediate
Start the dance from count 16 with the word “my”. Start with the last steps of the dance kick LF (16), step LF next to RF (&).
Tag on walls 2 and 5 after 14 counts
[1-8]: Side point, drag together, heel ball touch, heel ball point, cross, ¼ turn, side
1,2Point RF to side (1), drag RF next to LF, weight ends on RF (2)
3&4Touch L heel fwd (3), step LF next to RF (&), touch RF next to LF (4)
5&6Touch R heel fwd (5), step RF fwd (&) point LF to side (6)
7,8&Cross LF over RF (7), ¼ turn left stepping back RF (8), step LF to side (&) 9.00
[9-16] Cross, sweep, cross, monterey ½ turn, step, point
1,2Cross RF over LF (1), sweep LF from back to front (2)
3,4cross LF over RF (3), point RF to side (4)
5,6½ turn right stepping RF next to LF (5), point LF to side(6) 3.00
*Tag comes here on walls 2 & 5
7,8Step LF fwd (7), point RF to side with optional hip bump (8)
[17-24] Step pivot ½ turns x 2, cross rock, recover, flick, cross, sweep, cross
1,2Step RF fwd (1), ½ turn left transferring weight to LF (2) 9.00
3,4Step RF fwd (3), ½ turn left transferring weight to LF (4) 3.00
5&6Rock RF across LF body open to 1:30 (5), recover weight to LF (&), flick RF to diagonal back (6)
7,8Cross RF over LF as you sweep LF from back to front (7), cross LF over RF (8)
[25-32] Back, drag, together, hip bump, step, ½ turn, hip bump, step, heel touch, together, kick, together
1,2Step RF to diagonal back right (1), drag L next to RF, weight ends on LF (2)
3,4Touch RF fwd bumping hips fwd (3), ½ turn left as you transfer weight to RF (4)*
5,6Touch LF fwd bumping hips fwd (5), step LF fwd (6) 9.00
7&Touch R heel fwd (7), step RF next to LF (8)
8&Kick LF fwd (&), step LF next to RF (8)
For optional styling on counts 4-5 you can do a hip circle
Comes on walls 2 and 5 after 14 counts. Add the following steps and restart the dance from the beginning.
1&Step LF fwd (1), pivot ½ turn right transferring weight to RF (&)
2&Kick LF fwd (2), step LF next to RF (&)
Have fun dancing!
Tag on walls 2 and 5 after 14 counts
[1-8]: Side point, drag together, heel ball touch, heel ball point, cross, ¼ turn, side
1,2Point RF to side (1), drag RF next to LF, weight ends on RF (2)
3&4Touch L heel fwd (3), step LF next to RF (&), touch RF next to LF (4)
5&6Touch R heel fwd (5), step RF fwd (&) point LF to side (6)
7,8&Cross LF over RF (7), ¼ turn left stepping back RF (8), step LF to side (&) 9.00
[9-16] Cross, sweep, cross, monterey ½ turn, step, point
1,2Cross RF over LF (1), sweep LF from back to front (2)
3,4cross LF over RF (3), point RF to side (4)
5,6½ turn right stepping RF next to LF (5), point LF to side(6) 3.00
*Tag comes here on walls 2 & 5
7,8Step LF fwd (7), point RF to side with optional hip bump (8)
[17-24] Step pivot ½ turns x 2, cross rock, recover, flick, cross, sweep, cross
1,2Step RF fwd (1), ½ turn left transferring weight to LF (2) 9.00
3,4Step RF fwd (3), ½ turn left transferring weight to LF (4) 3.00
5&6Rock RF across LF body open to 1:30 (5), recover weight to LF (&), flick RF to diagonal back (6)
7,8Cross RF over LF as you sweep LF from back to front (7), cross LF over RF (8)
[25-32] Back, drag, together, hip bump, step, ½ turn, hip bump, step, heel touch, together, kick, together
1,2Step RF to diagonal back right (1), drag L next to RF, weight ends on LF (2)
3,4Touch RF fwd bumping hips fwd (3), ½ turn left as you transfer weight to RF (4)*
5,6Touch LF fwd bumping hips fwd (5), step LF fwd (6) 9.00
7&Touch R heel fwd (7), step RF next to LF (8)
8&Kick LF fwd (&), step LF next to RF (8)
For optional styling on counts 4-5 you can do a hip circle
Comes on walls 2 and 5 after 14 counts. Add the following steps and restart the dance from the beginning.
1&Step LF fwd (1), pivot ½ turn right transferring weight to RF (&)
2&Kick LF fwd (2), step LF next to RF (&)
Have fun dancing!